Canadian Cyclist


December 9/00 5:53 am - Rendall in France, 'Cross, Quebec (French), University MTB, Birthday

Posted by Editor on 12/9/00

Six Days of Avenir, France

Canadian Glenn Rendall, teaming up with Swiss rider Ralph Zimmermann, finished 8th overall in this track event.

Superprestige 'Cross #5 - Hoogstraten, Belgium

1. Mario De Clercq (Bel) 1:00:20
2. Richard Groenendaal (Ned) at 0:19
3. Sven Nijs (Bel) 0:24
4. Erwin Vervecken (Bel) 0:28
5. Bart Wellens (Bel) 0:36
6. Tom Vannoppen (Bel) 0:50
7. Arne Daelmans (Bel) 1:02
8. Gerben De Knegt (Ned) 1:28
9. Peter Van Santvliet (Bel) 1:43
10. Marc Janssens (Bel) 1:52

Overall standings (after 5 of 8 events)

1. Groenendaal 140 points
2. De Clercq 93
3. Van Santvliet 88
4. Wellens 87
5. Vannoppen 77

Prélude intéressant pour Alexandre Cloutier

Genève, Suisse (DIAPO) - Le cycliste Alexandre Cloutier gagnera encore de l'expérience en fin de semaine. Avec son partenaire, l'Ontarien Glen Rendall, le cycliste de Ste-Foy a entrepris les Trois jours cyclistes de Genève malgré une santé précaire. Après le prélude, une course à l'Américaine, et une course par élimination, le duo canadien occupe le 4e rang des 13 équipes en piste.

À l'Américaine (20 minutes plus 10 tours de piste), Cloutier et Rendall ont accumulé des points au dernier des trois sprints intermédiaires, alors qu'à la course par élimination, Rendall a terminé au 10e rang.

" C'est plus petit ici que ce l'était à Zurich la semaine dernière, mais l'ambiance est agréable ", a expliqué Cloutier, qui porte les couleurs de l'équipe Volkswagen au Québec. " La piste ne fait que 166 mètres. Ça tourne ! Contrairement à la semaine dernière, où nous avions dû nous séparer pour respecter une limite d'âge, Glen et moi pouvons faire équipe ici. C'est une bonne chose. "

Quant à la santé. " Je ne sais pas trop. On dirait que j'ai tout en même temps: la grippe, la gastro, une amygdalite... J'ai le souffle court et les jambes molles, mais ce n'est pas grave ", de dire celui qui trouve toujours une raison pour rire.

Journée chargée samedi : une course aux points, deux courses individuelles, une course par élimination et une course à l'Américaine. Espérons que Cloutier entendra encore à rire samedi soir.

Daniel Aucoin
L'Agence service des athlètes 24 heures par jour
L'Agence DIAPO...Serving athletes 24 hours a day

The Muddy Wheel
(courtesy David Wright)

U of T's Newsletter for the Ontario University Mountain Biker

What a Day at Boler!

For the first time in the OUCUP's history, the series traveled down to the home turf of UWO for a race at Boler Mountain. For October 21 the weather could not have been any better, the sun was shining and the temperature soared to an amazing 20 degrees! Some riders even managed to get a sunburn! This amazing weather allowed some riders to post their best race of the season.

The race course was laid out by the staff at Boler who were out bright and early to blow the leafs off the trail and set up the flags. Following a brief and interesting pre-lap everyone managed to figure out were their course went. The men's 'A' division was the first to go out, although it was missing a large contingency from the Waterloo team. The start was fast and furious as the riders traversed their way to the top of the ski hill.

From there the race entered the trees and twisted its way through the ridges and ravines carving up the landscape. The women followed shortly behind the men taking a slightly different course. This permitted the women to get in front of the men making for some interesting and enjoyable riding. Bendan MacIntosh took the top place for the U of T team (5th), Adam Lucas (support) took 7th and Walt Bayless rode a broken bike to an 8th place finish followed by Joel Allen in 9th. Several members of the team suffered serious mechanicals, including Rob Penforld (14th), Grant Sinclair, Chris Kennedy and Ian Robertson.

For the women, Cate Dmitriew stormed to a podium finish in only her second 'A' level race! Celine Foreht missed the podium and took a fourth place spot and Mary Ellen Ash complete the race with a 7th place spot.

The Queen's team dominated the 'B' race forcing the Carlo Obillios, the best U of T finisher to take 6th place. Andrew James, Bill Bright and Nicholas Jardeleza all turned in top ten finishes. For the women's 'B' Krista Brodhurst took a gold medal with an amazing finish. In addition, Tara Guild took a bronze medal for the U of T team, well done ladies! Tara Nicholls and Amanda Cox both had top ten finishes. Antonia Gawel (a.k.a. pocket rocket), Christine Clancy and Penny Colquhoun all suffered injuries and were unable to finish the race in top form.

Even though the U of T team suffered numerous injuries and set backs everyone enjoyed the day and almost everyone enjoyed the course. Of course, as this was the final race of the season the afternoon was filled with pizza, pop and some excellent awards!


Mmmm, What a Feast!

The second annual U of T MTB team banquet took place on November 18, 2000. Mike Levesque, Tabby Soltay and TJ Hall, all members of the team, offered up their house for this year's venue. The evening started with a pot-luck supper in which Krista Brodhurst prepared some excellent main course dishes along with Cate Dmitriew. In addition to these two, everyone else brought some amazing dishes ranging from breads up to some wonderful desserts!

Following the feast the evening turned to the awards ceremony. The spirit and male/female MVP awards were voted on by the team at the Boler race in London. The team selected Krista Brodhurst as the most spirited rider. Krista always came out to the weekly rides and offered her talented advice to the newer riders, in addition, she supported the team at each event and even stayed after the races to help take down the course markings, well done Krista!

The men's most valuable rider award was given to Joel Allen who was always smiling and had a good thing to say to the riders as they finished around him. After 3 years with the team, Joel has certainly earned his place amongst the MTB Blues elite. For the second year in a row the team chose Celine Foreht to be the recipient of the women's most valuable rider award. Celine, who always joined the group rides and showed her talents at every race is truly one of the finest Blue riders to come along, but sadly she will be graduating at the end of this year! Congratulations to this year's winners, you are true examples of what mountain biking is all about, the spirit, the fun and the freedom!

The 2000 season saw the inauguration of a new award. This award was designed to highlight a rider who may not win any races or take up a leadership role, however they always show dedication and commitment to the team year in and year out. The award was partially donated by the Cyclepath and completed by the MTB team. For the 2000 season the winner was Eric Vanbeurden.

Following the team awards everyone had a shot at the tonnes of draw prizes donated by the Cyclepath which has been a tremendous help to the team this year. Thanks guys! The evening ended with the traditional slideshow, which brought some tears, joy and laughter to the team as they said good by to the OUCUP season for another year....


Queens Takes Elvis...

After 3 consecutive seasons U of T was beat out of the overall championship by the Queen's team. Queen's put forth a dominating men's team and an excellent women's team, which U of T was unable to stop. This season marked the unveiling of a new trophy which replaces the current Elvis bust, what a sight!

U of T was not shut out of the overall awards as we managed to conquer the women's categories. The 2000 season saw the biggest, baddest and best women's team to ever compete for Toronto's mountain bike team. Celine Foreht took the top women's 'A' position for the first time and much to her surprise Krista Brodhurst took the top women's 'B' position. WOW! In the men's category, Kevin Cymbalisty from Queen's took top place in the 'B' category and Mike Dennis from Guelph took the top 'A' place.

Jamie Lewis from Queen's made an unexpected presentation to David Wright and Walt Bayless for their efforts in organizing the series and making it one of the best years yet. Also, Mike Levesque was awarded a prize for his contribution to making sure the timing was done and the results were posted. Well, done girls and guys!


OUCUP 2001

It is now the time to look forward at the next OUCUP season. The race dates and venues for next year are:

September 23-24: Mansfield Outdoor Centre
September 30: Hardwood Hills
October 14: TBA
October 20: Boler Mountain

For more information on the University Cup contact David Wright at

Happy Birthday To...

Mountain bike pro Ryder Hesjedal, today.


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