Canadian Cyclist


September 22/17 1:47 am - OCA Track Coach Development Program

Posted by Editor on 09/22/17

The OCA [Ontario Cycling Association] is committed to the development of coaches across the province. For the 2017-18 season, the OCA will offer a High Performance Track Coaching Development program featuring mentorship and professional development initiatives. Track-based initiatives will be delivered in conjunction with high performance track camps [Excellence and Rising Stars] and other major events at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre - Milton velodrome.

Selected Development coaches will assist in all areas of the track camps including trackside coaching, collecting statistics, evaluating athletes, and contributing to camp planning. Camps will also feature group-based and individualized professional development opportunities where coaches will work on specific skills [e.g. yearly training plan development, effective feedback, sport science integration, off-bike training, parent communication, etc.].

In additional to on-track and camp-based development opportunities, other activities may take place via online delivery, one-on-one expert training, and third-party workshops.

The overarching objective is to increase the number and quality of Ontario coaches by providing support to enhance their knowledge and skillset both on and off the track.

For more information and application instructions download Here. Applications are due October 5th.


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