Canadian Cyclist


December 21/00 9:15 am - Trek/VW Canada, UCI Changes, CC Mail, Birthday

Posted by Editor on 12/21/00

Trek/Volkswagen Road Racing Team 2001
(courtesy Geoff Rice)

Manager: Geoff Rice
Assistant Manager: Bill Yearwood
Assistant Manager: Tony Zarsadias

Min Van Velzen National and Provincial Champion (Provincial / National Team )
Murray Carter 2000 Junior National Road Champion
Cory Lange Provincial Champion (Provincial / National Team )
Allistar Howard National Junior Kilo Champion (Provincial / National Team )
Cam Evans 2000 Junior BC Provincial Road Champion
Nick Rowe Past BC Provincial Champion (Provincial / National Team )
Tony Zarsadias 2000 Provincial BC Criterium Champion
Murray Solem 2000 Provincial TT Champion
Ian Condron 2000 BC Junior Provincial Time Trial Champion
Hugh Trenchard 1999 BC Provincial Team Member

Marni Praszky 2nd BC Cup Provincial Team Member

If you have a 2001 team announcement please send it in.

UCI Changes

The UCI has announced that management of the international off-road racing scene will become the responsibility retired pro Chantal Daucourt and current UCI Technical Coordinator Christophe Burri. The two will split up the many duties of Martin Whiteley, who has left the UCI after 5 years to start his own downhill team (see Daily News - December 6/00 9:45 am EST).

Whiteley has been the final authority on-site for the World Cup series and other major international offroad events, his shoes will be hard to fill, which is one reason the job has been split in two. Daucourt will take over the administrative side of the work (rule updates, calendars, liaison with national associations such as the CCA, etc.). Burri will be the point man on the circuit, dealing with the many situations that develop as the pro circuit travels around the globe.

While we are sorry to see Martin go, having worked with him over the past years in his capacity as media liaison, we are equally confident that Chantal and Christophe will be up to the task, and look forward to seeing them in Napa for the first World Cup next season.

CC Mail

To the members of our mailing list who recently received our first mailing - nobody got the trivia contest and won the bike-bodygear bracelet! Here is a hint: look to our Canadian Cyclists of the Century.

Happy Birthday To...

1988 Olympian David Spears (today).

Thanks to Sandra Kleppe.


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