Canadian Cyclist


January 4/01 3:36 am - Hughes 4th, 2001 Teams, Messenger Championships

Posted by Editor on 01/4/01

Hughes Fourth

Clara Hughes was 4th in the 3000m event at the Canadian Long Track Speed Skating Championships. Clara finished 4 seconds behind the gold medallist Cindy Klassen. Hughes' time was fast to enough to qualify her to compete on the World Cup circuit.

2001 Teams

L.C.W. Merrill Lynch Racing Team

The London Centennial Wheelers will race in 2001 as a sponsored club as the L.C.W. Merrill Lynch Racing Team. The team has the current Vet B Road Champion Charlie Squires and Vet A Hill Climb champion Greg Palmer. Additionally, former Mens Road Champion and winner of the Multilaser Challenge in Vet A Hans Loeffelholz will feature on the team. There will also be representation in Senior 1/2, Senior 3, Senior Women and Junior Men and Women Categories. The team is as follows:

Team Manager: Chris Helwig

Vet A
Charlie Squires
Hans Loeffelholz
Greg Palmer
Chris Hooper
Craig Doucett
Menno Bos
Simon Steele
Peter Clarke
Manny Martins
Attila Hajdu
Brad Nicol

Senior 1/2
Chris Helwig

Senior 3
Dan Nichols
Mike Cole

Ian Cole
Kaylea Nahill

Kara Gillies

Merrill Lynch
Silver Top Supply
Racer Sportif London
Karin Brearly R.M.T.
Logistics Institute

*Note The team is currently still searching for a frame sponsor.

Forte Bicycle Racing Team - Victoria, BC.

Andrea Blasekie
Keith Bruneau
Leigh Anne Collis
Neil Carson
Charles Durrant
Lindsay Graff
Tyler Hansen
Jay Heins
James Holtz
Ryan McNamara
Wendy Myhre
Denis Pianarosa
Kim Webb
Sam Whittingham
Scott Williams

Forte Human Powered Machinery is a Victoria-based bicycle and recumbent fabrication company that specializes in custom frames and components. Team sponsors include Louis Garneau and Schwalbe Tires. Competition focus for the team is road and track, from the local level all the way through to the international events, as well as international HPV competitions. The team continues to search for sponsors, if interested please contact Jay ( for more information. The Forte website is coming soon!.

Courier Championships in Edmonton
(courtesy Biker Bill)

The Associated Cycle Messengers of Edmonton are proud to announce that our bid for the North American Cycle Courier Championships was accepted and that our city will be host to Bicycle Messengers from all around the World. Come July we will host a Festival unlike any other this City or Event has experienced, where art shows and displays, featuring works and readings from messengers, show bikes and courier bands from all over the world will set the stage in a theater of competitions where these brave and very fast urban warriors will come together to battle it out amongst themselves to see who is the Finest, Fastest, and Smartest Messenger on the Continent.


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