Canadian Cyclist


January 9/01 10:39 am - CCA Women's Camp, Women's Awards, 2001 Teams, US 'Cross Team

Posted by Editor on 01/9/01

Women's Development Program
(courtesy CCA)

The CCA is offering a training camp opportunity open to National development team women and provincial level women riders.

The 2001 season is starting and if you want to get it going on the right foot the CCA is proposing a training camp and competition opportunity in Europe in the months of March and April.

We are offering this possibility to 6 women that are ready to invest in their development.

From the 6th to the 22nd of March you will be put up in Limoux, in a fantastic newly restored XVIth century monastery. You'll be hosted and offered great hospitality by Chris Georgas and his wife Fabienne. You'll be asked to cook and cover the expenses of noon and suppertime meals.

The roads that Chris will take you on are around Limoux and are excellent for training. In addition, the weather at that time of year is perfect for getting prepared for the season.

After March 22nd you'll move to another residence in France's Southwest where racing in some of France's national sanctioned races, as the national development team will commence.

04/03-22/03 Development camp invitation, Fr (6 riders)

01/04 La Ronde d'Aquitaine, Fr (6 riders)

07/04 La Brioche Vendéenne, Fr (6 riders)

08/04 Le Vélo féminin au Vignoble Nantais, Fr (6 riders)

14/04 Le granit de Balme, Fr (6 riders)

15/04 La Flèche Gascogne, Fr (6 riders)

18/04 La Flèche Wallonne, Bel (6 riders)

20-22/04 Le Tour de Navarre, Es (6 riders)

If you are interested, applications should be submitted attention Pierre Hutsebaut January 31st, 2001 (Fax 613-248-9311). In the application write down your objectives and the length of your stay. Priority will be given to women already present on the national team development list.

2001 CAAWS Women and Sport Breakthrough Awards

The Breakthrough Awards are presented annually to outstanding nominees who have used innovative ideas and alternative approaches to encourage and enable more girls and women to participate/lead/coach in sport and physical activity.

CAAWS (Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport) offers Breakthrough Awards in five categories:

- The NIKE YOUTH Award recognizing a young Canadian, who has played a part in getting more girls "in the game". (deadline January 31/00)

- An INDIVIDUAL whose accomplishments have pushed the limits and enhanced the participation of girls and women.

- A member of the MEDIA who has increased the profile and awareness of the achievements, abilities, and potential of girls and women.

- An ORGANIZATION which has provided funds or services to enable fuller participation by girls and women in sport and physical activity.

- An individual, group or organization whose long term HERSTORICAL activities and achievements directly affected, improved, or positively influenced girls and women in sport and physical activity.

For further information please see the CAAWS web site at

To nominate, submit the following information by Friday, January 12, 2001 to the CAAWS office: (exception Nike Youth Award deadline January 31/00)

- nominator's name, address, email, and telephone numbers.

- nominee's name, address, email, and telephone numbers and the category she or he is being nominated in and a head and shoulder photo or corporate logo.

- detailed background information on the nominee supporting the nomination and listing her or his accomplishments.

The selection committee reserves the right to select more that one recipient in each category or to not select a recipient in any given category in any given year.

2001 Les Prix de la percée de l'ACAFS

Les Prix de la percée sont présentés annuellement aux personnes ayant utilisé des idées innovatrices et différentes alternatives pour encourager un plus grand nombre de filles et de femmes à participer dans le domaine du sport et de l'activité physique et à faire preuve de leadership.

L'ACAFS présente des Prix de la percée dans cinq différentes catégories :

- Le prix Jeunesse Nike qui reconnaît un jeune Canadien ou une jeune Canadienne qui a joué un role clé afin d'accroître la participation des filles au sport et à l'activité physique. (date limite: 31 Janvier 2001)

- Une personne dont les réalisations ont permis de repousser les limites et d'améliorer la participation des jeunes filles et des femmes dans le monde du sport.

- Un membre des médias qui a fait davantage connaître les réalisations, les habiletés et le potentiel des jeunes filles et des femmes.

- Un organisme qui a alloué des fonds ou offert ses services en vue de permettre une plus grande participation des jeunes filles et des femmes au sport et à l'activité physique.

- Une personne, un groupe ou un organisme dont la contribution exceptionnelle a eu une incidence positive à long terme et a permis d'éliminer des obstacles en vue de favoriser l'équité.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site Internet de l'ACAFS :

Afin de poser une candidature, faites parvenir les renseignements ci-après d'ici vendredi, le 12 Janvier 2001 :

- nom, adresse et numéro de téléphone de la personne présentant la candidature;

- nom, adresse et numéro de téléphone de la personne ou de l'organisme mis en nomination, la catégorie choisie ainsi qu'une photo de la personne ou le logo de l'organisme;

- renseignements complets sur la personne ou l'organisme mis en candidature et énumération de ses réalisations.

Le comité de sélection se réserve le droit de choisir plus d'un ou d'une récipiendaire ou de ne choisir aucun ou aucune récipiendaire dans une catégorie donnée pour une certaine année.

2001 Teams

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (January 8, 2001) - After months of preparation, the Jane Cosmetics Cycling Team unveiled its 13-woman, 9-man 2001 lineup today. Now in its sixth year, the Jane Cosmetics Cycling Team has grown from a local junior developmental program into a nationally-ranked women's power. 2000 was the team's first season on the national circuit, and it comported itself well, earning podium appearances in five National Racing Calendar events.

However, for 2001, the team has taken a quantum leap forward, retaining all of its key riders from last season- including former Saturn climbing star Sue Palmer-Komar; Jenny Eyerman, who was selected to ride with the U.S. National Team at the Women's Tour de France in just her full full season of USCF racing; and Caren Spore, a late-season addition who took second in the Manhattan Beach Grand Prix and third in the ill-fated BMC Tour of Arlington- and adding such highly-regarded talents as Catherine Cardwell (from Charles Schwab), Odessa Gunn (from Timex), and Julie Hanson (from Saturn). The result is what team manager Karen Menge refers to as "a very balanced squad. We've got a nice mix of experience and youth, of climbers and sprinters- I think we'll be competitive in any race we enter. And as for the team chemistry.....all the riders are really nice people who I think are really looking forward to racing together!"

The women will compete in the lion's share of the National Racing Calendar events, including the First Union Liberty Classic, the BMC Software series, the Redlands Classic, and the HP Laserjet Women's Challenge; they also hope to compete in such events as the Grand Prix Feminin du Canada and the Montreal World Cup.

The Jane Cosmetics Cycling Team also has plans off of the bike, according to Menge: "Given that our title sponsor makes cosmetics aimed at pre-teen and teenage girls, we decided to go with a promotional program different than the norm." Instead of doing appearances at retailers that carry Jane Cosmetics, the team will instead be doing presentations for girls' groups across the country, teaching them about the sport.....and, indirectly, providing them with role models that they can really relate to. Says Menge, "We've got such an interesting group of women. Not only are they all great athletes, but the team includes moms, PhD candidates, scientists, educators.....a great selection for young girls to emulate!" Gunn agrees, adding that "I feel very strongly that the world needs more females who promote a healthy and realistic alternative to supermodels and magazine models." Team members will be making appearances at Girl Scout Councils and Girls Incorporated locations in both Southern California and nationwide.

The Jane Cosmetics Cycling Team will kick off the 2001 season with training camp in San Diego, CA in late February. The team's first National Racing Calendar event will be the McLane Pacific Classic in Merced, CA (March 3-5), followed by the Sequoia Cycling Classic (March 10-11), the Redlands Classic (March 13-18), and the Sea Otter Classic (March 22-24).

Jane Cosmetics Women's Roster
*Catherine Cardwell
*Annelie Chapman
*Trish Choo
*Jenny Eyerman
*Odessa Gunn
*Julie Hanson
*Colleen Kelly
*Aileen Loe
*Rebecca McClintock
*Sue Palmer-Komar
*Rhonda Quick
*Jane Quigley
*Caren Spore

Jane Cosmetics Men's Roster
*Chris Daggs
*Sean DeGruchy
*Mark Fitzgerald
*Blackjack Helgeson
*Pete Knudsen
*Kenan Kunsel
*James Lowe
*James Madera
*Nick Onate

2001 U.S. World Cyclo-cross Championship Team Announced
(courtesy USA Cycling)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Jan. 9, 2001) - Eight cyclists were officially named Tuesday to USA Cycling's 2001 World Cyclo-cross Championship Team. The team, approved by the USA Cycling Selection Committee, will compete Feb. 3-4 in Tabor, Czech Republic.

Marc Gullickson (Boulder, Colo.) and Dale Knapp (Seattle) comprise the men's elite squad, while Ann Grande (Seattle) and Rachel Lloyd (San Anselmo, Calif.) will compete in the women's race. Alan Obye (Mendon, Vt.) and Josh Anthony (Beverly, Mass.) are the team's two espoir (under-23) athletes, with Jeremy Powers (Niantic, Conn.) and Aaron Bradford (Auburn, Wash.) competing in the junior men's event.

Tim Johnson (Middleton, Mass.) and Alison Dunlap (Colorado Springs, Colo.) automatically qualified for the 2001 team by capturing the national cyclo-cross titles in December 2000. Both have opted not to compete. Mark McCormack, who placed third at the U.S. Cycling Federation (USCF) National Cyclo-cross Championships, was nominated to the team but also declined.

Clark Natwick from San Mateo, Calif., will serve as the team's coach.

CC Awards

There is just over 24 hours left to vote.


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