Canadian Cyclist


December 15/97 22:23 pm - Awards Photos, Rumours, This & That

Posted by Editor on 12/15/97

Awards Photos Our photos from Victoria are now up - go to them here. Note: this page does load slowly, due to the number of photographs. Rumour Confirmed We told you a few days ago that Canadian commissaire Marie Frances Bernier was about to be appointed to the UCI, well, now it‚s official - she is on both the Mountain Bike and Commissaires committees. Birth Announcement Shimano USA marketing head honcho Steve Boehmke and his wife Tracy are the proud parents of a baby daughter, Maya Leigh - born December 11th. Congrats to Steve and Tracy. This & That A whole bunch of new Classifieds and Links are about to go up in the next 24 hours - we have gotten a little behind with the Victoria trip. You can send us your links and classifieds by going to those areas of the site...We are looking for team info - send us your news, rumours and team rosters...We will also start to post 1998 calendars over the next few weeks, and unveil our new (and hopefully improved) website, so keep watching this space.


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