Canadian Cyclist


February 15/18 17:33 pm - Two Cyclists Receive National Palestre Foundation Bursaries

Posted by Editoress on 02/15/18

For the fourth edition of its scholarship program at the Foundation for Athletes of Excellence (FAEQ), Mr. François Deschênes, President of the Fondation Palestre Nationale (FPN), awarded $30,000 in scholarships to 20 promising young student-athletes identified by their federations.




BMX athlete Malik Bruneau of La Tuque and mountain bike athlete Juliette Larose-Gingras of Lac-Beauport each received $1500 academic excellence scholarships.

"It is with pleasure that today we are awarding twenty $1500 scholarships to young student-athletes who pursue their passion at the provincial and national levels. We are happy to encourage them early in their journey and, as a result, to play a leading role in their athletic and academic success," said Mr. Deschênes.

Mr. Claude Chagnon, President of the Foundation of the Athlete of Excellence, is always proud to count the Foundation Palestre Nationale among the partners of the FAEQ: "The National Palestre, remember, is part of the sporting history of the beautiful province. We are delighted to share our values with this institution thanks to the National Palestra Scholarship Program, especially since the Palestre Nationale Foundation has accepted that it supports very young student-athletes. Often, they do not have access to much financial support beyond that of their parents."

The student-athletes received two types of scholarships: the scholarship of academic excellence, which highlights the excellent academic results and the scholarship to support academic and athletic success, to encourage the reconciliation between sport and studies. The age of the 20 fellows of this fourth edition of the Palestre Nationale Foundation Program varies from 11 to 17 years old.


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