Canadian Cyclist


February 4/01 10:08 am - Junior Men's Results from Cross Worlds, Trofeo Mallorca, 2001 Teams

Posted by Editoress on 02/4/01

World Cyclocross Championships, Tabor, Czechoslovakia

Junior Men
Distance: 17.195 Km

(gold) 1BINA MartinCZE38:54:00
(silver) 2SIMUNEK RadomirCZE39:13:00
(bronze) 3KUNTA JanCZE39:13:00
4FONDARD RomainFRA39:34:00
6VOCADLO MilanCZE39:34:00
7WELLENS GeertBEL39:50:00
8GIL MariuszPOL40:00:00
10ZAHNER SimonSUI40:15:00
11STRUCH ThorstenGER40:26:00
12WASIEWICZ DanielPOL40:32:00
13JAKOB RogerSUI40:40:00
14BELGY JulienFRA40:44:00
15ADEL PavelCZE40:45:00
16CINGOLANI FrancescoITA40:56:00
17POWERS JeremyUSA40:58:00
18WESSELING MarcoNED41:00:00
19KUZNIAK KrsyztofPOL41:01:00
20DE BOECK JefBEL41:17:00
21TROFIMOV IouriRUS41:19:00
22THIELEMANS MikeBEL41:20:00
23DE VRIES GerbenNED41:21:00
24PAUWELS KevinBEL41:21:00
25MEDVEDEV AlexeiRUS41:21:00
26TACIAK MateuszPOL41:25:00
27MIORINI ErikITA41:28:00
28STANIK MihaelSVK41:28:00
29GNIOT FelixGER41:33:00
30GAJDOSIK StefanSVK41:41:00
31LONGHI Flavio AlexITA41:44:00
32PETERS StevenNED41:44:00
33PETROLL JensGER41:58:00
34TABOTTA JohnatanITA41:58:00
35SPENCER PhilipGBR41:58:00
36AVEYARD JordanGBR42:01:00
37GNIAZDOWSKI RafalPOL42:01:00
38AGUIRRE KoldobikaESP42:01:00
39ZHUK OleksandrUKR42:06:00
40BRADFORD AaronUSA42:11:00
41ANDERSEN DanDEN42:13:00
42CERVENAN TomasSVK42:13:00
43ERNSTER MarcLUX42:13:00
44SELS NickBEL42:26:00
45DIRKX BartNED42:29:00
46LANG PirminSUI42:32:00
47ESTEBAN IsmaelESP42:33:00
48SCHAAF MarkusGER42:37:00
49TRAFELET StefanSUI42:43:00
50POSTRY YannFRA42:48:00
51SMIRNOV SergueiRUS42:51:00
52DEVAUD GregorySUI42:55:00
53MENENBERG AaronUSA43:07:00
54MURGOITIO EgoitzESP43:11:00
55COOKE CraigGBR43:14:00
56GOENAGA XabierESP43:24:00
57SKINNER ChristopherGBR43:30:00
58HAMMERLE MartinAUT43:56:00
60SELEDKOV IvanRUS44:12:00
61RUSSELL MarkGBR44:39:00
62POGREBNYAK DenysUKR45:44:00
63SCHEBATH ChristianAUT45:57:00
64BELOKRYLOV AlexeiRUS46:11:00
65DEINHAMMER AndreasAUT46:55:00

Trofeo Mallorca

The European pro racing season opened officially with the " Mallorca Challenge " today. The challenge is not a stage race, there is no official GC and riders do not have to ride every stage to start the next day. A good thing too! A rock slide part way through the race prevented 56 of the 210 starters from crossing the finish line.

Nothing was going to stop Zabel though as he outsprinted Teutenberg, Steels and the pack to claim his first win of the season.

Stage 1-Palma de Mallorca, 80km
1. Erik Zabel (Ger) Telekom 1.50:47
2. Sven Teutenberg (Ger) Festina
3. Tom Steels (Bel) Mapei
4. Bram De Groot (Ned)
5. Robbie McEwen (Aus)
6. Bert Hiemstra (Ned)
7. Creszenzo D'Amore (Ita)
8. Stefan Van Dijk (Ned)
9. Josu Silloniz (Esp)
10. David Clinger (USA) all s.t.

2001 Teams - announced their team roster for 2001. Returning are Leah Goldstein, Lysle Wilhelmi and Stacey Peters. Among the newcomers is Gina Grain. Well known by her presence on the national mountain bike scene, Gina will spend more time on the road in 2001.

Leah Goldstein (Can)
Gina Grain (Can)

Lysle Wilhelmi (USA)
Stacey Peters (USA)
Andrea Ratkovic (USA)
Katrina Berger (USA)
Cindy Carroll (USA)
Nicole Demars (USA)
Nikane Mallea (Esp)


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