Canadian Cyclist


February 14/01 11:55 am - Ontario News

Posted by Editoress on 02/14/01

Ontario Cycling Association Update
Courtesy OCA

Only 24 hours or so left! Nominations for the OCA 2000 Awards will be accepted until February 14th, 2001. Winners will be announced at the AGM (details below).

Applications for 2001 OCA membership and racing licences are now in the mail and all members and licence holders from 2000 should receive a renewal package in the next few days. The application will be posted to the web site by Monday, February 19th.

Included with the application itself are a few other documents. an Upgrade list for Mountain Bike, and an Upgrade/downgrade list for Road. Please consult the list when choosing your categories. a Notice of Meeting for the OCA Annual General Meeting, as well as the Agenda, and a Proxy form. The AGM will be held on Saturday, March 3, 2001, at National Trade Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto, in a room next to the Bike Show entrance. Members DO NOT have to attend the Bike Show to attend the AGM. Elections for two positions on the Board of Directors will be held at this year's AGM. If you or someone you know would like to run for the office of President, or High Performance Coordinator, nomination papers must be filed at the OCA office by February 23, 2001. Discount coupons for cycling magazines, the Bike show and licences

The OCA 2001 Handbook has gone to the printers and should be ready in time for the Bike Show. Members and Licenced Riders will receive a copy with their licence.

The 2001 Calendar will be updated by Monday, February 19th for events sanctioned to date.


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