Canadian Cyclist


January 1/98 22:31 pm - New Year Greetings, Teams, CMBA

Posted by Editor on 01/1/98

New Years Greetings

We hope you had a safe and fun New Years (doesn‚t that sound boring...). After a hearty New Years breakfast, the crew here headed out for the traditional ride to shake out the cobwebs and start the new year off on the right foot (tread). After all, it was only -20 with the windchill.... We have been testing out some new full suspension bikes and tires, and are looking forward to receiving a number of other new products in the coming weeks. With the upcoming changes to the web site you can expect to see more regular updates in the Product area, but we want to hear from YOU - what do you want us to get and test? Let us know.

Teams and Events

We are starting to put together our team rosters and calendars for 1998, so if you have an event or team that we should hear about, CONTACTus!


The CMBA (Canadian Mountain Bicycling Alliance) web page is up and running, as we told you the other day. However, the address has changed slightly, to HERE.


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