Canadian Cyclist


November 19/18 10:07 am - Only Two Days Left to Vote for Best Bike Shops

Posted by Editor on 11/19/18

Votes keep pouring in for the seventh annual Canadian Cyclist Bike Shops of the Year Awards, and have surpassed 5,000 ballots cast as our readers nominate their favourite shops. We have votes in from every province, plus the Yukon!

From your votes we will select the top bike shops from across Canada. We will select up to two (2) shops for each region and/or province - Atlantic, Quebec (East, West, Greater Montreal), Ontario (East, West, North, Greater Toronto), Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia (Mainland, Island) and Yukon/NWT/Nunavut.

The largest number of votes have come from Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, although Nova Scotia, Alberta and Manitoba also seen very strong action. Both Newfoundland and Saskatchewan have seen the most votes ever cast, however, British Columbia is lagging a bit - we know there are great bike shops in B.C., so let us know who they are!

Voting will remain open until 5:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, November 21st.

Vote Now!


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