Canadian Cyclist


March 4/01 9:53 am - OCA AGM, Tour de Snowy

Posted by Editor on 03/4/01

Ontario Cycling Association AGM

Some of the highlights from yesterday's Annual General Meeting:

- the Association has managed to recover successfully from financial difficulties, posting a surplus on the books. President Jim Crosscombe said that while they will still be conservative with spending, the situation will allow the expansion of member services, including more staff in the office (who are currently being recruited).

- There were no nominations for Board positions up for election (President and V.P. High Performance), so the incumbents (Crosscombe and Glen Meeuwisse) agreed to serve another term (as provided for in the Constitution).

- The Canadian Road Nationals will be held in Hamilton, Ontario for 2002, as a test event for the 2003 World Championships.

- Development V.P. Brad Day ran through some stats regarding rider participation and number of events for last year and the coming season. Road participation was up, mountain bike held steady. The number of O'Cups was down slightly, but there are no road and mountain date conflicts for 2001. An organizer for the Road Provincials is still being sought. Interested parties should contact the OCA.


Contribution to Road and Track - Willie Coyle, St Catherines C.C.
Road Organizer of the Year - Intersports, 2000 Road Nationals in Peterborough
Road and Track Female Athlete - Anne Samplonius
Male Road and Track Athlete - Josh Hall

Contribution to Mountain Biking - David Wright
Mountain Bike Organizer of the Year - Trilife International
Mountain Bike Female Athlete - Angela Mawdsley
Mountain Bike Male Athlete - Eric Cseff

Tour de Snowy, Australia

Stage 4 - Thredbo 35 km

1 Anke Erlank (RSA) Saturn 1:00:21
2 Anna Millward (Aus) Saturn at 0:02
3 Zinaida Stahurskaia (Blr) GAS Sport
4 Kim Shirley (Aus) AIS
5 Rosalind Reekie-May (NZl) New Zealand
6 Margaret Hemsley (Aus) AIS all s.t.
7 Rochelle Gilmore (Aus) NSWIS Trek Team 0:10
8 Hayley Rutherford (Aus) AIS
9 Alison Wright (Aus) AIS
10 Katie Mactier (Aus) Jayco VIS

13 Mari Holden (USA) Alfa Lum R.S.M.
15 Susy Pryde (NZL)
20 Kim Smith (USA)
22 Kimberly Bruckner (USA) Saturn
23 Pam Shuster (USA)
24 Kerry Hellmuth (USA) Carpe Diem-Itera
26 Sarah Ulmer (NZL)
28 Lara Ruthven (USA) Carpe Diem-Itera all s.t.
39 Annie Gariepy (Can) 0:47


1 Anna Millward (Aus) Saturn 4:25:23
2 Anke Erlank (RSA) Saturn at 0:55
3 Zinaida Stahurskaia (Blr) GAS Sport 0:58
4 Mirjam Melchers (Ned) Acca Due O-H.P. 1:05
5 Sara Carrigan (Aus) AIS 1:06
6 Kim Shirley (Aus) AIS 1:09
7 Mari Holden (USA) Alfa Lum R.S.M. 1:14
8 Margaret Hemsley (Aus) AIS 1:16
9 Rosalind Reekie-May (NZL) New Zealand 1:18
10 Priska Doppmann (Sui) Acca Due O-H.P. 1:23

11 Kimberly Bruckner (USA) Saturn 1:26
14 Sarah Ulmer (NZL)
15 Susy Pryde (NZL)
16 Kim Smith (USA)
17 Pam Shuster (USA) all s.t.
30 Lara Ruthven (USA) Carpe Diem-Itera 2:16
38 Annie Gariepy (Can) 5:32
39 Kerry Hellmuth (USA) Carpe Diem-Itera 5:45


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