Canadian Cyclist


March 20/01 9:43 am - US NRC Road Rankings, Marco Polo Cycling Club, North Shore MBA News

Posted by Editoress on 03/20/01

U.S. NRC Rankings
(courtesy USA Cycling)

Rankings after Redlands

1 Trent Klasna Saturn 252 points
2 Roland Green US Postal Service 175
3 Chris Horner Mercury/Viatel 155
4 Baden Cooke Mercury/Viatel 129
5 Levi Leipheimer US Postal Service 127
6 Michael Rogers Mapei-Quick Step 103
7 Eddy Gragus Jelly Belly 101
8 Gord Fraser Mercury/Viatel 99
9 Cadel Evans Volvo-Cannondale 80
10 Chris Wherry Mercury/Viatel 69
11 Scott Moninger Mercury/Viatel 64
12 Ivan Dominguez Saturn 63
Mark McCormack Saturn 63
14 Frank McCormack Saturn 48
15 Vladimir Miholjevcic KRKA Telekom 45
16 Harm Jensen Saturn 44
17 Graeme Miller NetZero 43
18 Steve Larsen Prime Alliance 40
19 Jamie Drew Mercury/Viatel 36
20 Valter Bonka KRKA Telekom 34

1 Genevieve Jeanson Rona Cycling Team 315 points
2 Kimberly Bruckner Saturn 160
3 Lyne Bessette Saturn 137
4 Katrina Berger 120
5 Alison Dunlap Team GT 116
6 Kim Smith 103
7 Tina Mayolo-Pic 92
8 Jimena Florit Sun International 90
9 Susy Pryde 87
10 Nicole Freedman Credit Suisse 66
11 Ina Teutenberg Saturn 64
12 Caroline Alexander Total Trainer 56
13 Andrea Ratkovic 53
Sandy Espeseth Intersports 53
15 Joanne Kiesanowski Proctor & Gamble 44
16 Katie Safford Earthlink 43
17 Petra Rossner Saturn 40
18 Laura Charmeda Michella Fanini 37
19 Jenny Eyerman Jane Cosmetics 33
20 Gina Grain 30

Marco Polo Cycling Club

The Marco Polo Cycling Club (first truly worldwide internet cycling club!!) was founded by the end of December 2000. The main objective: bringing riders from all over the world together and giving opportunities to riders from non-traditional cycling countries. In the beginning of March 2001 (just over 2 months after founding the club!), the Marco Polo Cycling Club has 143 members, from over 20 countries!!! Riders from every level can become member of the Marco Polo Cycling Club!! Check the internet site:

Amongst the members are famous mountainbikers like Bart Brentjens and Kashi Leuchs and famous Cyclocross stars like Wim de Vos and Bart Wellens. They became member because they sympathise with the goals of the club and they will do some road races with Marco Polo. The club has no sponsors, but tries to give its members a good program anyway. Companies interested in publicity on every continent of the world, can contact the Marco Polo Cycling Club:

The program of the selected teams is ambitious, it started with the Tour of South China Sea end of December (still as Village Peddler team) and the Tour of Rhodos has also been done. Right now a team of selected Marco Polo members is in the USA, for the month of March, see line up for Redlands and Mercury Sea Otter below.

Beginning of April Tour of Maroc and Paths of King Nicola (Yug) fill the program and after that some exotic riders are being expected in the European program (mainly Netherlands; Belgium; Germany). Program for the rest of the year will be made public later.

Line up Redlands Classic and Mercury Sea Otter Classic:

Wong, Kam Po (HKG): Asian Champion, 11th Points Race, Sydney Olympic Games, Leung Chi Hang (HKG)
Wong Ngai Ching (HKG)
Dahlberg, Nathan (NZL) Former 7-11 and Motorola, 13 wins in 2000
Reid, Robin (NZL) 1st stage one and yellow jersey, 2001 Tour of Wellington NZ.
Reid, Andy (NZL) 2nd National Mountainbike Competition New Zealand (overall)
Thomson, Craig (NZL) 2000 - 2nd in a stage of Tour of Pahang (Mal)
Lange, Cory (Can)
Dominique Perras (Can)
Glen Mitchell (NZL) National Champion 98 and 99 Road Race, Olympic Games Team 96 and 2000

Want more info? Please contact us through

North Shore Mountain Bike Association

The North Shore Mountain Bike Association (for those of you who are unfamiliar) is a group that takes responsibility for mtb access and maintenance issues on the North Shore. The leaders of this group work tirelessly to get support and new members so that there are trails for us to ride. At last count only 36 folks had paid up their 2001 dues (I admit I am not yet one of the 36 but the cheque is in the mail) of $20 Canadian.

Without the nsmba it is possible that there would no longer be any trails to ride on the North Shore. If you ride the shore or if you just want to contribute - join up. Here is the link The cost is $20 as mentioned before a small price to pay for the best riding in the world.

For this year the NSMBA is focussing their efforts on 2 trails: Seventh Secret on Fromme and CBC on Seymour. Seventh Secret has been getting some loving lower down (Crinkum Crankum) by an unknown Saint you shall be rewarded with Karma - but the upper sections need help to get back to their former glory. CBC has been re-routed and hundreds of hours have already been put into this trail by nsmba volunteers. On Top Bike Shop is sponsoring the trail days on 7th Secret and John Henry the Bicycle man is doing the same for CBC. X-FM along with are the media sponsors so you can tune in to them or us to find out the goods.

The first trail day of the year will be April 8th on CBC. All CBC Trail Days begin Sunday, 8:30AM SHARP with a pancake breakfast served at John Henry the Bicycle Man, 400 Brooksbank Ave., across from Park and Tilford Mall. Bring your work gloves and a shovel if possible. I don't yet have info on the Days that On Top is sponsoring but you'll get it when we do.


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