Canadian Cyclist


March 24/01 10:04 am - Ontario News, Birthdays

Posted by Editoress on 03/24/01

Mississauga Midweek Series a Go!
Courtesy Peter McCaffery

La Bicicletta Midweek Novice and Regular Series will start the week of April 15th. at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga. The 2.3 km technical circuit is very smooth with eight corners, and a slight rise along the finishing straight. It will be closed to all traffic.

Novice races are on Mondays except on long weekends, and the regular criteriums return to Wednesday evenings. The second annual Downsview criterium will be on May 30th. Further details and a full schedule to follow. Information: or Midweek Hot line: 905 271 8300 then press "1".

Ontario Downhill Training Seminar

A training seminar for Ontario Downhill riders will be held on Saturday April 7th by John Holman. For more information please go to DH Seminar

Ontario Mountain Bike Commissaire Course - Postponed

The MTB Commissaire course scheduled for March 24-25 has been postponed until late April. Watch the OCA News page for the new dates and location.

For more information or to register, contact the OCA.

Happy Belated Birthday greetings to....... Melanie Nadeau March 21st and Sylvain Beauchamp March 22.


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