Canadian Cyclist


August 16/19 15:36 pm - Nominations Open for Board of Directors Positions

Posted by Editoress on 08/16/19

Cycling Canada is pleased to announce the opening of the annual nomination process for positions on its Board of Directors.

The Cycling Canada Board of Directors is elected by Cycling Canada's member Provincial & Territorial Cycling Associations and is comprised of 6 Director-at-Large positions, a National Team Athlete representative plus the position of President (Chair of the Board).

In 2019 there are three (3) Director at Large positions open for nomination. Board elections will occur at the Cycling Canada Annual Meeting to be held by conference call on September 17, 2019. Nominations for the three Board positions will close fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the Annual Meeting (September 3rd, 2019).

The table below provides a summary of the positions that are open for nomination:

Committee / Position Incumbent Term Election
Director at Large Shauna Finlay 2 yrs Annual General Meeting (Sep 17)
Director at Large Bill Kinash 2 yrs Annual General Meeting (Sep 17)

Director at Large
Robin Porter 2 yrs Annual General Meeting (Sep 17)

Note: Each year, the Cycling Canada Board may, by resolution and at its discretion, appoint one (1) Director after the organization's Annual Meeting. An appointed Director will serve a term of one (1) year. This position is currently filled by Curt Harnett.

For additional details please refer to the Nomination Form and the Cycling Canada Policy on Organization Structure.


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