Canadian Cyclist


April 1/01 10:05 am - Hilton Falls TT (Ontario)

Posted by Editor on 04/1/01

Hilton Falls / Spokes N' Slopes All Weather Challenge

Hilton Falls Conservation Area, Milton, Sunday, 1 April 01

16 and Under Male, 16 and Under Female, 17-18 Novice Male, 19-29 Novice Male, 30-39 Novice Male, 30-39 Novice Female, 40+ Open Male, 40+ Open Female, 17-18 Expert Male, 19-29 Expert Male, 19-29 Expert Female, 30-39 Expert Male,

Total Number of Riders = 121
Distance = 20km

16 and Under Male - 11 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME               CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    132 Florian Storck                                     1:46:26.93       11.27
 2    111 Marcus Elsebroek                                   1:57:14.87 10m47 10.23
 3    122 Jordan Axani       from Lisle                      1:58:44.92 12m17 10.11
 4    130 Peter Koczndrle                                    2:16:24.57 29m57  8.80
 5    121 Daniel Paul Szever from Kitchener                  2:36:15.79 49m48  7.68
 6    125 Josh Burtt                                         4:00:22.40 2h13m  4.99

16 and Under Female - 1 Entrant

PL PLATE NAME            CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 2    124 Alana Thomas    from Mississauga               23:59:59.99 22h13  0.83

17-18 Novice Male - 10 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME               CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    770 Kevan Cranmer      from Dundas                     1:50:52.88       10.82
 2    771 Jason Pott                                         1:55:47.07  4m54 10.36
 3    772 Glen Lambard                                       1:58:22.20  7m29 10.14
 4    774 Peter Glassford    from Mansfield                  2:22:25.07 31m32  8.43

19-29 Novice Male - 14 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME              CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    579 Sean Roper                                        1:37:07.13       12.36
 2    584 Chris Piller                                      1:42:28.82  5m21 11.71
 3    578 Marcus Schatzmann                                 1:56:49.42 19m42 10.27
 4    573 John Matthews     from Welland                    1:59:09.33 22m02 10.07
 5    581 Jason Cou                                         2:00:18.88 23m11  9.97
 6    515 Bryan Miller      from Hamilton                   2:07:14.40 30m07  9.43
 7    580 Jon Laba                                          2:08:18.15 31m11  9.35
 8    582 Joel Dempster                                     3:01:20.83 1h24m  6.62
 9    508 Wesley Fraser     Uxbridge CC                    23:59:59.99 22h22  0.83

30-39 Novice Male - 18 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME            CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    606 James Layfield  from Toronto                    1:30:39.57       13.24
 2    611 James Blackburn from Toronto                    1:34:50.65  4m11 12.65
 3    609 John McArthur   from Cambridge                  1:35:07.23  4m27 12.62
 4    613 Brent Smith     from Burlington                 1:43:12.98 12m33 11.63
 5    608 Stephen Perkins from Oakville                   1:43:53.61 13m14 11.55
 6    604 Stewart Leese   from Burlington                 1:46:13.75 15m34 11.30
 7    612 Dan Reymer      from Oakville                   1:46:28.49 15m48 11.27
 8    615 Ken Kuschei                                     1:47:32.29 16m52 11.16
 9    616 Lee Bonnell                                     1:47:35.14 16m55 11.15
 10   602 Ron Stadnik     from Wellesley                  1:50:37.79 19m58 10.85
 11   601 Paul Szever                                     1:54:18.51 23m38 10.50
 12   614 Peter Leyser                                    1:56:30.56 25m50 10.30
 13   610 John Poulsen    from Mississauga                1:56:38.79 25m59 10.29
 14   600 John T Binder                                   1:59:48.41 29m08 10.02
 15   618 Ken Peters                                      2:07:23.88 36m44  9.42
 16   605 Marc Levesque   from Oakville                   2:08:58.72 38m19  9.30
 17   607 Ian Fletcher                                    2:17:56.64 47m17  8.70

30-39 Novice Female - 2 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME             CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    617 Pascale Gonthier                                 2:12:36.06        9.05
 2    603 Brenda Leonard                                   3:02:23.00 49m46  6.58

40+ Open Male - 32 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME                 CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    148 Dave Harrison                                        1:24:21.70       14.22
 2    153 Hamish Gordon        from Mississauga                1:25:21.47 59.76 14.06
 3    210 Graham Thomas        from Mississauga                1:31:14.26  6m52 13.15
 4    275 Ron Spencer          from Barrie                     1:31:40.73  7m19 13.09
 5    346 David Boswell        from Burlington                 1:32:28.86  8m07 12.98
 6    150 Gordon Bennet        from King City                  1:32:57.84  8m36 12.91
 7    268 Greg Hall            from Peterborough               1:36:31.33 12m09 12.43
 8    280 Scott Graham         from Toronto                    1:36:43.73 12m22 12.41
 9    149 Gordon Wyatt         Uxbridge CC / Newmarket         1:42:48.55 18m26 11.67
 10   278 James Duffy          Team Hardwood Hills / Barrie    1:44:53.54 20m31 11.44
 11   282 Al Marquardt         from Whitby                     1:46:36.04 22m14 11.26
 12   234 Jim Best             Uxbridge CC / Scarborough       1:49:29.09 25m07 10.96
 13   281 John Toldnes         from Milton                     1:55:29.89 31m08 10.39
 14   276 Stephen Clarke       from Barrie                     1:55:56.12 31m34 10.35
 15   293 Terry Durdon         from Guelph                     1:56:53.88 32m32 10.27
 16   213 Stan Bagg            from Alma                       1:59:48.99 35m27 10.02
 17   294 Mark Dius                                            2:04:20.75 39m59  9.65
 18   154 Wayne Meigs                                          2:05:07.58 40m45  9.59
 19   283 Peter Allen          from Acton                      2:11:19.87 46m58  9.14
 20   339 Hugh Zimmerman       from Toronto                    2:12:41.78 48m20  9.04
 21   200 Paul Geisberger                                      2:15:13.36 50m51  8.87
 22   152 Joseph Zwara                                         2:19:39.57 55m17  8.59
 23   212 Lee Burr                                             2:21:53.46 57m31  8.46
 24   284 John Guichertzar                                     2:24:39.78 1h00m  8.30
 25   208 John Stresisslberger                                 2:27:40.37 1h03m  8.13
 26   151 Jon Walper                                           2:34:47.74 1h10m  7.75
 27   285 Gary Conrad                                          2:35:48.94 1h11m  7.70
 28   267 Bruno Van Hemelryck  from Tillsonburg                2:40:50.07 1h16m  7.46

40+ Open Female - 1 Entrant

PL PLATE NAME            CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    367 Helene Robach                                   2:59:53.08        6.67

17-18 Expert Male - 3 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME             CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    452 Andrew Watson    from Barrie                     1:17:57.15       15.39
 2    779 Brandon Crichton from Burlington                 1:21:23.81  3m26 14.74
 3    925 Scott Kelly      from Orangeville                1:29:44.88 11m47 13.37

19-29 Expert Male - 16 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME            CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    922 Neil Sauve      from North Bay                  1:17:24.25       15.50
 2    910 Thomas Freure   from Wellandport                1:21:15.64  3m51 14.77
 3    942 James Barker    from Kitchener                  1:21:16.08  3m51 14.77
 4    933 Derek Cripps    from Milton                     1:24:01.23  6m36 14.28
 5    936 Eric Kameka     from Woodbridge                 1:26:18.35  8m54 13.90
 6    932 Jason Vurma     from London                     1:27:12.81  9m48 13.76
 7    937 John Courtney   Freewheel Cycle / Princeton     1:27:32.41 10m08 13.71
 8    934 Chris Vernackt  from St. Thomas                 1:28:22.05 10m57 13.58
 9    930 Jeff Hunter     from Brampton                   1:35:00.17 17m35 12.63
 10   939 Paul Berger     from Campbellville              1:36:01.77 18m37 12.50
 11   926 Stefan Marogy   from Keswick                    1:41:52.52 24m28 11.78
 12   923 Jeffery Terk                                    1:55:28.56 38m04 10.39
 13   929 Greg Hajer      from Mississauga                1:58:08.58 40m44 10.16
 14   912 Ian MacLean     from Brantford                  2:06:34.06 49m09  9.48
 15   938 Charly Godwin   from Hamilton                   2:06:48.21 49m23  9.46
 16   931 Jason Manning   from Brampton                   2:10:32.16 53m07  9.19


19-29 Expert Female - 1 Entrant

PL PLATE NAME            CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    921 Sarah Salvis    from Mississauga                2:20:51.18        8.52

30-39 Expert Male - 12 Entrants

PL PLATE NAME                      CLUB/TEAM/Sponsor/City/Town         TIME   DIFF. SPEED
 1    811 Egidio Carone             from Mississauga                1:12:17.99       16.60
 2    802 Mike The Captain Clarkson from Toronto                    1:16:00.33  3m42 15.79
 3    800 Mike Collins              from Burlington                 1:17:45.09  5m27 15.43
 4    807 Wayne Floreani            from Toronto                    1:22:20.20 10m02 14.57
 5    805 Philip Barnett            from Brantford                  1:22:25.23 10m07 14.56
 6    801 Paul Stine                                                1:22:59.65 10m41 14.46
 7    803 Marty Adams               from Burlington                 1:26:29.75 14m11 13.87
 8    810 Sean Marrable             from Georgetown                 1:27:55.46 15m37 13.65
 9    809 Karl Finstad              from Oakville                   1:35:46.36 23m28 12.53
 10   806 David Vanderploeg         Uxbridge CC / Bolton            1:44:03.08 31m45 11.53
 11   808 Nigel Moo Choy            from Markham                    1:47:55.96 35m37 11.12
 12   804 John Tennikat             from Hamilton                   1:54:19.71 42m01 10.50

Allan Hawley - Time Keeper


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