Canadian Cyclist


January 21/98 10:18 am - Exciting News, Worlds Updates

Posted by Editor on 01/21/98

Exciting News

We received this e-mail from Valerie Davidge, about the Coppi dinner that she attended last night‰

This evening we arrived at the Coppi Ristorante in Toronto to pay honour to IL CAMPIONISSIMO - FAUSTO COPPI.

Our invitation explained that this was to be a fundraising gathering. Fans from all over the world were gathering to collect the funds required to erect a monument to the great Fausto in Turin, Italy.

The owner of the Coppi Ristorante, Fausto, who is Coppi's godson had made his exceptional restaurant available for the occasion.

Opening remarks and grace were made by Father Claudio Moser, brother of Francesco Moser and the evening began.

Halfway through the Risotto "Tour de France", Dr. Gianni Pavesio took the floor. The good doctor is President of ITALTECH I.C.D inc. in Candiac, Quebec. After some introductions in Italian and many respects to Coppi paid, we were treated to the shock of a lifetime.

Rumours had abounded during the early gathering of the clans (don't know what that would be in Italian) that an announcement would be made this evening.

And so it was.

Today, Dr. Pavesio, the CCA and the Mayor of the City of Hamilton, Ontario finalised and signed a bid to host the 2001 World Road Championships in Hamilton using - you guessed it - the Mountain Course.

Some of the rest of the announcement got lost in the translation. We think that we were told that FIAT are behind the bid. However, it is possible that these gentlemen still refer to the UCI as 'the FIAC' which the world governing body use to be called. This has to be clarified, although it would make sense that FIAT is making an effort to return to the Canadian car market.

The bid will be considered at the UCI meeting held next weekend Feb. 4/5, in conjunction with the World Cyclo Cross Championships in Denmark, and an announcement made immediately thereafter.

Ontario (can you believe it!), Canada stands a good chance. Interested countries are Austria, Spain, Columbia and Canada.

Apparently Dr. Pavesio did not want the Worlds in Montreal because they have been done before - an Ontario location was better - and, I guess, he got to hear about about our Nationals.

To say that I feel shocked, proud, humble, emotional and excited is an understatement.

There is no superlative adjective. Probably 'numb' is the closest I can get.

Good luck to the Canadian delegation to the UCI meeting - bring us back the bacon!

Valerie Davidge
1995, National Road Championships,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

World‚s Page Updates

We have added a bunch more info on contacts, accommodation and schedules to the World Championships page in the last few days, so be sure to check it out.


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