Canadian Cyclist


May 13/20 13:05 pm - Sad News

Posted by Editor on 05/13/20

We are sorry to have to report that Kelyn Akuna, manager of the Mattamy National Cycling Centre in Milton, Ontario, passed away over the past weekend. Kelyn has been the Coordinator, Track and Cycling Events, at Milton for the past two years, and before that ran the Burnaby Velodrome in B.C. Prior to that, Kelyn was a member of the U.S. national track team.



Kelyn Akuna, 2nd from right, with Cycling Canada staff


My involvement with Kelyn has been in relation to both tracks, and usually asking for something. The lights aren't all on (a major expense for all velodromes, so they tend to run only half when they can), I need power/wifi/a ladder/table/access to the top of the announcing box ... you name it, I probably pestered him more than once. Kelyn always came through. It has been largely due to him that track cycling at our national training centre has always run smoothly.

Kelyn also approached me about a project to place images and descriptions of the various track cycling events - Keirin, Pursuit, etc. - on the walls around the running track on the mezzanine level, so newcomers to the sport could understand it better.

Jessika Grand Bois, Track Program Manager for Cycling Canada, said, "I'm struggling to put words on this, other than disbelief. It has been hitting me in waves and among many things I am struggling to imagine being back at the velodrome without him around, stopping by for a chat and coffee or working collaboratively. He had been working tirelessly to bring life to the velodrome, juggling projects and ideas to dynamise track cycling but also the community around it. He will be dearly missed, as a colleague for sure but mostly as a good friend and genuine, passionate guy."

He will be missed. Our condolences to his family and friends.


A fundraiser for Kelyn's family has been activated.
Please consider donating  


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