Canadian Cyclist


December 14/20 13:05 pm - No Surprise - Abrasions Top Injuries Suffered by Road Cyclists

Posted by Editor on 12/14/20

An academic paper published on BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine has collated the results of numerous studies on injuries to road cyclists (both amateur and professional) to find patterns. The review specifically excluded commuting and looked at racing and recreational rides (such as fundraisers). Titled, 'As easy as riding a bike': a systematic review of injuries and illness in road cycling (Dáire Rooney, Inigo Sarriegui and Neil Heron), the paper found that abrasions, lacerations and haematomas were the most common, accounting for 40% to 60% of reported injuries; ie, road rash. Fractures were next (6% - 15%), with clavicle breaks by far the most common. Of course, none of this should be a surprise to cyclists, but drilling down further provides some more interesting data:

• Professional cyclists suffer less injuries then amateurs (the reverse of most major sports); possibly because of the greater bike handling skills of pro riders. Pros had an injury rate of 3.10/100,000 km, while amateurs were at 8.25/100,000 km.

• Surgical management of clavicle fractures allows a significantly faster return to competition then conservative (non-surgical) management.

• The most common over-use injury is to the knee - patellofemoral pain - followed closely by iliotibial band syndrome and rotator cuff tendonitis.

• Among amateur cyclists, older riders were more frequently injured than younger ones, especially over the age of 45 years.

Download the full paper Here.


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