Canadian Cyclist


May 13/21 11:41 am - NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning Module: Free until June 30th

Posted by Editoress on 05/13/21

The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) and Decathlon Canada are working together to support coach education and empower coaches with new knowledge and skills.

Coaches who sign up on Decathlon Community will receive a promo code to take NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport for free. This popular eLearning module, usually offered at a cost of $15, gives all coaches an opportunity to review foundational coaching skills, including long-term development, ethics, coaching motivation, and athlete safety and wellness. It’s the perfect way for new and seasoned coaches to continue their coach education from home.

Jonathan Makaya is an experienced coach who uses the Decathlon Community platform. He understands the importance of reviewing the foundational coaching concepts presented in this module and believes that as a coach, "even if we think we know everything, there is always more to learn." For him, taking NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport was an opportunity to revisit the basics of coaching and learn new techniques to apply to his sessions.

To access NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport for free, coaches can sign up on Decathlon Community - a sports experience platform designed for coaches to list their activities and reach new participants, even while social distancing. Participants can register for virtual or in-person classes and pay directly through the app at no cost to the coach. After a coach signs up, they will receive a confirmation email with a promo code that can be redeemed in the Locker until June 30, 2021.

By providing opportunities for coaches to improve their skills, promote their activities, and reach more participants, the CAC and Decathlon Canada are working together to benefit coaches. To learn more about the partnership between the CAC and Decathlon Canada, visit


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