Canadian Cyclist


June 1/21 13:11 pm - Junior Road Worlds Selection Trials Process - Applications Due June 8th

Posted by Editoress on 06/1/21

Recently Cycling Canada updated the selection criteria for Junior Road World Championships: SELECTION CRITERIA LINK.

Cycling Canada is asking all athletes interested in attending U19 World Championship to complete the following application by June 8th - APPLICATION LINK.

Note: Below is Ontario's plan for athlete selection; other provinces may differ, so check with the High Performance Committee / Provincial Coach in your province

Cycling Canada has asked the provinces to put forward 3-5 male and 3-5 female athletes that they believe have the physical capabilities and the technical skills to be competitive at the Junior World Championship level. The intention is that these athletes will be invited to a Cycling Canada selection camp and/or race opportunity used to select athletes to represent Canada at the World Championships. Unfortunately, with no road races since the fall of 2019, it is difficult to accurately put forward recommendation, as many former U17 athletes may have made significant gains over this period. As a result, Cycling Canada has suggested that provinces hold some timed efforts to help define their list.

Ontario's proposal for these trials is the following:

On June 26th or 27th the OCA can host a Trials day for athletes that have applied to the CC World's Selection list. The efforts will be a 10-15km time trial in the Niagara Region (no TT bike, only a regular road bike and non aero wheels) in the morning and timed hill climb efforts, 5 times up Effingham in 1 hour (equal rest in between each effort, accumulated time of all 5 efforts) in the afternoon. While this will not provide the complete picture of an athlete's racing ability, it will assist in providing an assessment of athlete fitness and aerobic capacity for athletes with few race results that want to be considered for the Cycling Canada selection camp.

Due to current COVID rollout restrictions, the athletes will need to be broken up into waves. A committee will be assembled of experienced coaches to decide on the names put forward to Cycling Canada. Cycling Canada's hope is to have a camp in the middle of July in Quebec (with perhaps some mass start races) with the riders put forth from all the provinces to help choose their pool for World's.

It is important to note that this is not an event and it is not something that all riders from Ontario should come and do to see where they are at. This is a testing situation for riders who are truly ready to race at an international level. Athletes should have an honest discussion with their coaches before applying.

If you have any questions (Ontario athletes) please contact David Jack via email (;) and he will do his best to answer your questions or forward you to someone who can answer your question from Cycling Canada.

Note: If Ontario does not have many athletes applying to be part of the World Championship Pool, they may not host the efforts and will simply speak with the athletes/coaches about their experience and training in putting forward recommendation to Cycling Canada.


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