Canadian Cyclist


November 5/21 10:40 am - Nominations Open for Cycling Canada Events & Officials Committees Positions

Posted by Editor on 11/5/21

Cycling Canada has opened nominations for volunteer positions on the two following operational committees:

• Events Committee
• Officials Committee

Detailed terms of reference and desired committee member skills matrix can be downloaed Here. Committee size is flexible and will range from four to six people, depending on our ability to find a competent cross-section of skills. The term of each appointment is two years, with approximately half of the committee members selected each year. Expected time commitment for committee members is a few hours per month, mainly for teleconference meetings, with one or two face-to-face meetings required per year.

Individuals interested in submitting their nomination for either committee are kindly asked to complete the Events Candidate Self-Evaluation Form or the Officials Candidate Self-Evaluation Form and to submit their expression of interest via email by November 24, 2021 to with 'Committee Expression of Interest' in the Subject line. The email should identify which committee candidates are applying for and may include any relevant supporting information.


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