Canadian Cyclist


December 23/21 13:07 pm - Cycling Canada Looking for Zwift Ride Leaders

Posted by Editoress on 12/23/21

Every Monday and Tuesday at 8:05pm EST, Cycling Canada will host Weekly Zwift Tune-up Rides, open to all skill levels and abilities on rotating courses. Monday will be open to all on the public Zwift events calendar, and Tuesday will be women's only. Course offerings will vary from week to week in an effort to provide a well-rounded mix of training opportunities for Zwifters of all backgrounds.

We are seeking experienced Zwifters to act as ride leaders for each of our weekly rides! Ride leaders are encouraged to name a "sweeper" to join them in a co-leading capacity and will have the opportunity to do-so on this form. Leaders and Sweepers will be assigned for 2-week blocks and will be expected to keep the group together while offering a fun atmosphere. Ride leader resource documents are available and can be accessed Here.

This application covers all of Cycling Canada's Weekly Zwift Tune-up Rides from January 31st to April 5th.

The weekly tune-up will be a medium-paced social ride which will aim to maintain an average power output of 1.5-2.0w/kg. The objective is to create a fun and interactive community atmosphere with regular efforts to build fitness. The ride can incorporate intermittent interval work above and below the advertised power range with dedicated time for recovery/regroup following each effort.


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