Canadian Cyclist


January 27/22 18:38 pm - UCI Modifies Team Relay Rules - Canada Enters 2 Squads UPDATED

Posted by Editor on 01/27/22

The UCI has made a last minute change to the inaugural Team Relay event scheduled for tomorrow. As we explained yesterday in our Preview, the Team Relay was meant to consist of six riders per team - a male and female rider in each of the Junior, Under-23 and Elite categories.

Only seven teams had signed up - including Canada - but we speculated that some (like Italy) would be unable to field a team after COVID positives had thinned numbers. Well, the UCI has admitted that this is the case, and has dropped the number of riders per team to four (two women and two men). The teams will consist of:

• 1 Woman Junior or 1 Woman Under 23
• 1 Woman Under 23 or 1 Woman Elite
• 1 Man Junior or 1 Man Under 23
• 1 Man Under 23 or 1 Man Elite

Further, each country can now enter two teams if they wish.

With the revised rules, there are five countries entering seven teams:

Canada - A
Canada - B
Czech Republic


The Canadian teams consist of:

Canada A
Michael van den Ham (Elite Men)
Sidney McGill (Elite Women)
Ava Homgren (Junior Women)
Owen Clark (Under-23 Men)

Canada B
Tyler Orschel (Elite Men)
Isabella Holmgren (Junior Women)
Jenaya Francis Junior Women)
Ian Ackert (Junior Men)


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