Canadian Cyclist


February 21/22 17:36 pm - Zoom Session with Antoine Duschesne Tomorrow

Posted by Editoress on 02/21/22

Canadian World Tour rider Antoine Duchesne will be the feature guest for a Bridge the Gap (BTG) Zoom session tomorrow on doing Race Reconnaissance.




Duchesne joins friends and experts talking about racecourse analysis and race recon. Joining in will be mentor program lead Karol Ann Canuel. Sharing insights from a race coaching perspective will be World Tour sport director Steve Bauer and, BTG Chair Kev Field.

The webinar takes place on Tuesday, February 22nd at 9:00 AM PST (Vancouver), 12:00PM EST, 6:00PM CET (Europe). Young/developing athletes, coaches, all welcome (it's free).

You will learn how top riders approach race planning, course analysis and recon. You'll see how teams and riders use new tools like Veloviewer (integrated with Strava, Sauce, MyWinsock, Google Earth, and more) to do virtual reconnaissance leading to real world recon. You will learn how five elements: parcours details; weather; technique; competitors and tactics, inter-play into race planning and the recon. You will learn how to contextualize this to races at home in Canada or North America.

Karol-Ann shares her expert insights into planning for time-trials. Steve & Kev will share how race coaches or Sport Directors plan for races months out.

Above all, it will be A LOT of fun. We're excited to have Toni the tiger on for his first conversation - he is a hoot. We are going to keep this session really light because Toni loves keeping things light and fun. We encourage you to register so you can ask Toni (and the panel) your killer questions. We will keep this session 70-80% focused on what young athletes ask Toni and the panel, layering in the technical mumbo-jumbo around your questions.

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