Canadian Cyclist


September 15/22 15:16 pm - Registration Open for Greg's Cycle for Kids (Ontario)

Posted by Editoress on 09/15/22

The Share the Road Cycling Coalition, Ontario's cycling policy and advocacy organization, will host the third annual Greg's Cycle for Kids event on Sunday, October 2nd, at Country Heritage Park in Milton. Participants will have the choice of three routes - 50km, 100km, and 160km, showcasing the beauty of the Niagara Escarpment, Halton Hills and Hamilton.




Share the Road is hosting this fundraising event in memory of OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart, who was killed in Milton by a careless driver while on a training ride on his bike in 2006. The Coalition was founded in Greg's memory and has held a memorial Ride every year to support their work: creating bicycle-friendly communities in partnership with governments and key stakeholders, passing road safety legislation, and working to make Ontario's roads safer and more accessible for cyclists.

At the 2020 event, Share the Road announced a partnership with BGC Hamilton-Halton, whereby proceeds from the event went towards purchasing bikes, helmets and providing cycling skills training for kids in priority neighbourhoods. The OPP and New Hope Community Bikes are providing the Ride-Smart bicycle training sessions on-site at BGC Hamilton-Halton, along with partners from local law enforcement.

"We are so delighted that the third annual Greg's Cycle for Kids is going ahead as an in-person experience. This event is about supporting and encouraging kids to cycle, which has life-long benefits for them. Like all of Share the Road's work, this Ride is about strengthening partnerships and celebrating the people and organizations that encourage cycling, support community, and share the joy of cycling with young people," said Eleanor McMahon, Founder and Board Member, Share the Road Cycling Coalition.

"The work of the various partners who support Greg's Cycle for Kids - the CAA, the OPP, Canadian Tire JumpStart Charities and BGC - is focused on the shared priorities of cycling education, road safety and in creating healthy, safe and active communities," McMahon noted.

"For so many of us, riding a bike and owning a bike were rites of passage. Sadly, with so many priorities demanding attention, and with the cost of living having escalated for parents and families, the dream of owning and riding a bike is simply out of reach to many kids," said Glenn Harkness, Executive Director of BGC Hamilton-Halton.

"The proceeds from last years' event are already making a difference in the lives of twenty kids and their families, who have received bikes, helmets, bike locks - and cycling skills education. This is an investment in the health, well-being - and independence - of these kids, their families and our community. We are grateful to the Share the Road Cycling Coalition, to their partners - and to the participants. We know these bikes will change the lives of these children, and that is both inspiring and gratifying," added Harkness.

While many events have gone virtual, Greg's Cycle for Kids is one of the few in-person charity rides. Organized with rider safety in mind, participants can register with friends in their bubble - and choose a specific time slot for departure. Participants are sent out in waves to a maximum of 15 riders, to ensure physical distancing, and all COVID safety protocols are being followed.

For more information about the event, go to


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