Canadian Cyclist


February 3/23 18:50 pm - HopOn Grant Applications Now Open for Cycling Club Programs

Posted by Editor on 02/3/23

Applications are now open for Community Sport for All Initiative (CSAI) funding through Cycling Canada. Eligible cycling clubs may apply by March 1, 2023, to support the implementation and development of HopOn programming.

"This direct support from the Government of Canada through the CSAI funding will continue to build on the great work led by our clubs and communities to inspire Canadians to cycle," said Robyn Skinner, Cycling Canada Director of Community Growth and Engagement. "Most of us can remember the feeling of learning to ride a bicycle and the freedom that followed. This funding will provide opportunities for more equity-deserving groups to discover HopOn and begin their journey on a bicycle."

Clubs affiliated with their respective Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization (PTSO) can apply for up to a maximum amount of $15,000 to be used towards:

• National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) certified Instructors and Learning Facilitators
• Program subsidies (e.g., registration fees)
• Equipment needs (bikes, helmets, trailer, maintenance, insurance, etc.)

The funding is made possible by the Community Sport for All Initiative (CSAI) component of the Sport Canada Sport Support Program, which seeks to remove barriers and increase sport participation rates for underrepresented groups. Its key objective is to support community sport initiatives for equity-deserving groups, in particular, Black, Indigenous, newcomers and persons with a disability.

One program that has been involved with HopOn is B.I.CYCLE. "Through its work with the cycling community, B.I.CYCLE has identified key barriers for equity-deserving groups in Canada: awareness, equipment, representation and location," said Dr. Amr Elmaraghy, founder of the HopOn partner and grassroots community group. "This funding will aid in breaking down these barriers by supporting clubs' efforts engaging with equity-deserving groups. Aligning the B.I.CYCLE mission, expanded HopOn programming will provide greater opportunity for historically disadvantaged Black and Indigenous individuals and communities to benefit from the physical and psychological benefits of cycling."

To access the application, click Here. Questions related to the application can be directed to Jen Milligan, Cycling Canada Community and Grassroots Manager, at More information on the HopOn program can be found Here.


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