Canadian Cyclist


June 2/01 3:17 am - NORBA Big Bear Updates to Yesterdays XC

Posted by Editoress on 06/2/01

Notes from Big Bear

Roland Green and Ryder Hesjedal passed along a few words on their experiences at the Big Bear NORBA

4 out a 5 is the Norm!

The Big Bear X-Country is over and 4 of the 5 guys on the podium were Canadian. Now the guy who won may not agree but I still consider him a W.Coast, B.C grown mountain biker. The other guy is a Russian who is good enough to be one of us.

1. K. Molday
2. R. Green
3. P. Tcherkassov
4. S. McGrath
5. R. Hesjydal

That is all till tomorrow when the short track will be ran in the late afternoon. Good weekend to all back home and hi to the family in Vic.
Roland Green

I am just writing to let you know that my chain broke on the start of the second lap when me, Pavel, Roland and Kirk had already established a good gap on the next chaser. It took me just over 3 minutes to fix it and get going again. I fell back to around 16 to 19 position so I had to chase very hard to make time back. I had the best legs I ever had at altitude so I was very frustrated to have had a mechanical. But I still fought hard to get back to the podium and be the #1 U-23 in the race.

Ryder Hesjedal
Subaru/Gary Fisher


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