Canadian Cyclist


November 4/24 20:31 pm - National Capital Region 2024 Bursary Awards Announced

Posted by Editoress on 11/4/24

The National Capital Region cycling bursary of Ottawa is proud to announce the recipients of funds for 2024. The bursary provides funding to athletes that display both outstanding athletic ability and the desire to achieve greater goals. Often greater goals require travel outside the National Capital Region and in most cases outside the Country. The bursary provides money to help offset the ever-increasing costs of travel and help reduce the financial anxiety for the recipients. This is the 25th annual funding for National Capital Region cyclists and since its conception in 2000, the bursary has granted over $88,000 to local athletes.

The 2024 recipients are:

Lucy Hempstead - $2000
Julien Desjardins - $1500
Nicolas Gauthier - $1500
Addison Frank - $1000
Henrique Martins - $750

The bursary committee would like to thank all the sponsors for their generous contributions that enable these athletes to have both the confidence of support and the financial means to compete at events beyond the local area. Further information about the bursary is available at the National Capital Region Bursary website:


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