Canadian Cyclist


June 27/01 6:58 am - Grouse Spectator Access Info, Hamilton Midweek, Kelso 24 Hours

Posted by Editor on 06/27/01

Grouse World Cup Update

We now have spectator information for the July 6-8 World Cup triple (Dual, Downhill and Cross-country) to be held on Grouse Mountain in North Vancouver. Spectator access is by ticket only, using the Super Skyride gondola service or by riding up. The gondola rates are as follows:

Early Bird
$9.95 (plus GST).
Saturday/Sunday 6:00 am to 9:00 am.
Limit 2000 per day.

Regular Access
$18.95 (plus GST).
Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm / 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm.
Saturday 8:00 am - 11:00 am / 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm.
Sunday 8:00 am - 9:30 am / 12:30 pm - 10:00 pm.

Prime Access
$29.95 (plus GST) / 3-day Prime Access Pass $59.95 (plus GST)
Priority Boarding at all times and preferred access at the following times:
Friday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Saturday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
1500 prime access tickets and 1000 multiday tickets available
Includes access to private cash bar at race sites.

All tickets include regular Grouse amenities and entertainment, plus access to Screaming eagle Chair, World Cup Expo, Mountain Bike Trials Demo and Beer Garden.

Ticket Availability:
Grouse Mountain - 604-980-9311 or
Coast Mountain Sports outlets in Vancouver
Ticketmaster - 604-280-4444 or

Site Access
Parking is limited, so visitors are encouraged to bike, carpool or take shuttle buses. Parking will cost $10, subject to availability. Parking in local neighbourhoods will be restricted and bylaw officers will be patrolling.

A complimentary shuttle service will be available from Coast Mountain Sports on the south side of Park Royal Mall. Shuttles will also pick up spectators from marked points along Capilano Road, or give your legs a workout by cycling up Grouse Mountain.

On Saturday and Sunday a pancake breakfast will be served at North Vancouver's John Henry Bike Shop. Bring your bike on a shuttle bus to the top of Mountain Highway, then cycle 11 kilometres up Grouse Mountain. Entry, including World Cup admission is $10 per person per day, with partial proceeds donated to Sprockids. For more information contact Grouse Mountain - 604-980-9311 or

More information can also be found at

Hamilton Cycling Club's Tuesday Night Criterium Training Ride
Courtesy Sandy Cheskey

So far we've had a total of 85 participants in the Hamilton Cycling Club's Tuesday Night Criterium Training Ride. It's great training, hot competition and fun, too ... and we always go to Tim Horton's after. Come on out and join us!

Tonight (June 26th) we had a record 50 participants! (Note from Sandy: Thanks for all the support guys-it means a lot.)

1. With 24 laps to go, we have a $5.00 prime which was won by Garnett Abbey this week.
2. With 12 laps to go, we have a 3-point prime which was won by Brendan Duff again this week.

The finishing order for June 26th was:

1. Chris Paton
2. Greg Cavanagh
3. Paul Rego
4. Stan Ambis
5 Piers Davidge

The OVERALL STANDINGS as of June 19th are:

1. Brendan Duff 31 points
2. Mirek Mazur 30 points
3. Paul Rego 22 points
4. Jason Valenti 20 points
5. Greg Cavanagh 18 points

Each week points are awarded thus:

1st 6 points
2nd 5 points
3rd 4 points
4th 3 points
5th 2 points
participation 1 point
prime with 12 laps to go 3 points

We'll award prizes at the end of the summer!

Motorola 24 Hrs of Adrenalin - Ontario

Course maps now posted at Kelso. Pick up a race course map at the gatehouse, or see the maps posted at the chalet. Visitors to Kelso are welcome to pre-ride, but please note that not all sections of the course are race-ready. The course will NOT be marked with arrows until Friday July 6.


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