Canadian Cyclist


July 4/01 11:10 am - MTB Camp, Quebec (French), Hamilton Midweek, Perras

Posted by Editor on 07/4/01

CCA Mountain Bike Camp
Courtesy CCA

The Canadian Cycling Association is organizing a Mountain Bike National Camp from August 7-9 in Kamloops., BC. This camp will follow the MTB Nationals and will be right before the start of the Canada Cup #5, both of which will also be held in Kamloops, BC.

This camp will be open to a maximum of 18 XC riders and a maximum of 18 DH riders. First priority will be given to National Team Development riders. Second priority will be given to provincial athletes with recommendations from their respective provincial association. Riders will receive a combination of practical and classroom instruction from qualified coaches.

The cost per athlete will be $150 and payment can be made via cheque or credit card. The cost includes:

- 4 nights of accommodations at Sun Peaks International Hostel (Aug. 6-9, inclusive)

- All bedding, blankets, sheets, towels, pillows, etc will be supplied.
3 day camp (Aug.7-9, includes lift access)

- Lunch each day of the camp. Athletes are responsible for breakfast and supper meals. Kitchen facilities will be available to prepare your own meals.

- Banquet dinner on last day of camp

Please fill out the registration form and forward to the attention of :

Brett Stewart
Competitions Coordinator
Canadian Cycling Association
2197 Riverside Drive, Suite 702
Ottawa, ON K1H 7X3

Fax: (613) 248-9311


Hamilton Midweek - Ontario
Courtesy Sandy Cheskey

July 3rd, 2001

So far we've had a total of 92 participants in the Hamilton Cycling Club's Tuesday Night Criterium Training Ride. The ride consists of 36 laps of the course, which totals about 40 kilometres, and the registration fee is $2.00 per week. It's great training, hot competition and fun, too . . . and we always go to Tim Horton's after. Come on out and join us!

Tonight (July 3rd), we had 38 riders. BRENDAN DUFF and ANDY MAKAREWICH both had to pull out because of broken spokes early on. The breakaway, which happened at about the halfway point of the race, consisted of MICHAEL MOORE, BARRY REID, MIREK MAZUR, JEFF SHARAFBAYANI and GARNETT ABBEY. These five stayed away for the rest of the race.

1. With 24 laps to go, we awarded a $5.00 prime along with a bicycle bell and a 'Cliff' bar, which was won by GARNETT ABBEY again this week.

2. With 12 laps to go, we awarded a 3-point prime which was won by MICHAEL MOORE this week.

The finishing order for July 3rd was:

1st Michael Moore
2nd Barry Reid
3rd Mirek Mazur
4th Jeff Sharafbayani
5th Garnett Abbey

The OVERALL STANDINGS as of July 3rd are:

1st Mirek Mazur 34 points
2nd Brendan Duff 32 points
3rd Paul Rego 22 points
4th tie Jason Valenti 21 points
4th tie Michael Moore 21 points
5th Greg Cavanagh 19 points

Each week points are awarded thus:

1st 6 points
2nd 5 points
3rd 4 points
4th 3 points
5th 2 points
participation 1 point
prime with 12 laps to go 3 points

We'll award prizes at the end of the summer!

Perras Moves Up
Courtesy Pat Boog

Dominique Perras will be on a training camp with "POST SWISS TEAM." He adds been offer to join the team for an altitude optional training camp in the Italian Alps. THE POST SWISS TEAM is probably in their last year if they do not find a new sponsor but this is a great option for Perras to be back on track . . . with a division 2 team . . . more on that to come.

Une troisième victoire consécutive pour Alexandre Cloutier aux Mardis cyclistes de Lachine
Courtesy Volkswagen - Les Ailes

Lachine, Québec - 3 juillet 2001. Il y a à peine une semaine, Alexandre Cloutier avait mentionné à la blague " Jamais deux sans trois ", après sa seconde victoire consécutive aux mardis cyclistes de Lachine. L'athlète de 27 ans a récidivé ce mardi en remportant une troisième étape d'affilée sur le circuit du parc LaSalle.

Même s'il a mérité la victoire, la stratégie de la formation Volkswagen - Les Ailes ne s'est pas déroulée sans problèmes : " Ça a plus ou moins bien été, a révélé Cloutier. Ce soir (mardi), les attaques sont allées nulle part. Martin Nuckle (Volkswagen - Les Ailes) a bien essayé de sortir du peloton à un tour de la fin, mais il s'est fait rattraper. Malgré tout, c' est la première fois cette saison que je remporte un " mardi " au sprint de peloton et ça c'est un bonus pour moi. "

S'entraînant en vue des championnats canadiens sur pistes qui seront présentés dès jeudi prochain, Cloutier a mentionné que ses entraînements de vitesse ont fait la différence au sprint de peloton.

Avec trois victoires en poche, Cloutier prend donc maintenant une sérieuse option sur le classement final de fin de saison. Malgré cette situation confortable, le cycliste de Ste-Foy demeure prudent à ce sujet : " Je serai absent d'une étape au mois d'août car je serai au championnats canadiens sur route (à Dieppe, au Nouveau-Brunswick). Rien n'est encore joué. "

Martin Gilbert, coéquipier de Cloutier et détenteur du maillot jaune de leader avant l'étape de ce soir, a terminé quatrième de cette quatrième tranche des mardis cyclistes de Lachine.

Cloutier, Gilbert et leur coéquipier Pascal Choquette prendront part aux Championnats canadiens sur piste, lesquels seront présentés à Edmonton, du 5 au 8 juillet prochains.


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