Canadian Cyclist


July 12/01 5:57 am - Quebec & Dieppe Track News

Posted by Editor on 07/12/01

National Development Cycling Centre - Atlantic Canada

In a very short period period of time, the Caisse populaire de Dieppe Vélodrome will be ready. It is now time to register in our different courses to be amongs the first in Atlantic Canada to try this discipline. Remember that place, and bikes, are limited. We will go on a first come first serve basis.

Visit our Web site (, or contact our office at (506) 877-7809 to register in one of the following courses (offered on various dates and different age group of all level).

Introduction to Track events
Track 101 - Discover the Track
Popular track hours

Centre National de Développement Cycliste - Canada Atlantique

Le Vélodrome Caisse populaire de Dieppe sera prête très prochainement. Il est donc grandement temps de vous inscrire à nos divers cours afin d'être parmis les premiers à apprivoiser cette discipline en Atlantique. Souvenez-vous que les place, et surtout les vélos sont limité, nous agirons donc sur une base de premier arrivée, premier servie.

Visitez notre site Internet ( ou communiquez avec le bureau du Centre au (506) 877-7809 afin de vous insrcire à un des cours suivants (offerts à divers date à divers groupe d'âge et à tous les niveaux d'habilté):

Programme d'initiation aux épreuves sur piste
PISTE 101 - Découvrir la piste
Heures de piste pour tous

Luc Arseneau - Head Coach / Entraîneur-chef
Centre national de développement cycliste - Canada Atlantique
National Development Cycling Centre - Atlantic Canada
505, rue Champlain street
Dieppe, NB
E1A 1P2
TEL: (506) 877-7809

Grand Opening of Velodrome Louis-Garneau

The Quebec Region finally has a permanent cycling facility.

July 12, 2001 - With the Velodrome Louis-Garneau, the Region of Quebec will finally be equipped with a permanent cycling facility which will meet the growing needs of the cycling population and stimulate the development of high calibre athletes in the region and East of Quebec.

Thanks to the new National Centre for Cycling Development in the Region of Quebec's partners and the support of the Quebec's Minister of Leisure and Sport, Mr. Richard Legendre, the Velodrome Louis-Garneau was inaugurated today in Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures.

This venture started back in the fall of 2000 when the Municipality of Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures and Louis Garneau Sports Inc. joined forces to buy the Bromont's 200 m velodrome. The Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy got on board by allowing the National Centre for Cycling Development in the Region of Quebec to be erected and installed on their premises.

At the beginning of 2001, the Quebec Cycling Federation, the Canadian Cycling Association and the Quebec-Chaudiere-Appalaches Regional Mountain Bike Association joined the others to form the National Centre for Cycling Development in the Region of Quebec, one of the high standard training centres recognised by the Canadian Cycling Association.

The project finally materialized thanks to the acknowledgement and the financial support of the Quebec's Minister of Leisure and Sport, Mr. Richard Legendre, and the Quebec's Leisure and Sport Secretariat.

"The cyclists of the Quebec Region will finally be able to learn how to use the track for cycle-racing, thanks to the velodrome", affirms Louis Garneau, president of the new National Centre for Cycling Development in the Region of Quebec. " Over the years, the velodrome and the training programs available in St-Augustin will give new track racers from the region the chance to join the Quebec and Canadian teams", adds Louis Garneau.

According to Jean Leclerc, President of the Quebec Cycling Federation, "the velodrome is important as we have many members in the Region of Quebec who will benefit from it and we are convinced that many talented track racers from the Quebec Region, like Alexendre Cloutier, will emerge over the next few years", he adds.


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