Canadian Cyclist


July 17/01 1:42 am - Abitibi TTT, Mississauga Midweek, Pacific Sport

Posted by Editor on 07/17/01

Tour de l'Abitibi - Quebec

Jacques Landry, National Development Coach, just called to give us a quick update after the Team Time Trial first stage (40.4 kilometres) from La Corne to Val d'Or. The terrain is rolling, with a 3/4 tailwind all the way, so it was fast. Aero bars were not allowed. Tonight there is a criterium.

1. Holland 47:58.13 (50.53 kmph)
2. Denmark 48:05.44
3. Slovenia 50:01.06

9. Quebec 51:12.10
11. BC 51:35.91
12. Alberta 52:23.18
20. Ste Foy 53:37.88
21. Espoirs de Laval 53:50.51
23. Ontario 55:42.65

La Bicicletta Midweek Novice Series 2001 - Mississauga

Sponsors: Schwinn Canada, Trillium Foundation, City of Mississauga
Event # 10 01 07 16 Hershey Centre 45.9 km avg:41.1 km/h
Conditions: Warm, Cloudy 20 deg C, Wind: ESE 5 km/h

PositionNameClub/TeamCategoryTime/Time Behind
1.Dave OryzloMississaugaMA1:07:12
2.Shane FerreiraMadonna3st.
3.Steve HamiltonMadonna MCst.
4.Colin Campbell 3st.
5.Danny Kahan (? #112)3st.
6.Travis JoyceMississauga3st.
7.Geoff SaleD'Ornellas3st.
8.Akiko SekineWst.
9.Dan BorgMAst.
10.Hank Verhoven3st.
11.Domenic RoccaMidweek CCMBst.
12.Steve HeadMAst.

17 Starters - 16 Finishers

Wet conditions earlier in the day made for a diminished field for the tenth Midweek Novice Race of the season but those that showed up were treated to cool clear and windless conditions. Madonna Wheelers rider Shane Ferreira attacked the field numerous times but did not suceed in his escape. With one lap to go Steve Head and D'Ornellas' Master Malcolm Eade had ten seconds on the field and it looked like the field would be left to pick up the scraps. With less than 500m remaining in the race Malcolm suffered a rare double blowout. Some expert bike handling skills kept Malcolm upright but his race was over. Thus for the second week in a row Eade lost out on victory after riding strongly during the race. With the pack all together Mississauga's Dave Oryzlo took the field sprint ahead of Madonna's Shane Ferreira.

Thanks to rider coach Fernando Bagnasco and to Peter McCaffery for help with putting on the race and to the riders and volunteers for helping set up and take down the course and acting as lap counters course sweepers and bell-ringers.

Thanks to Sponsors La Bicicletta and Schwinn Canada for prizes and continued support.

**Note: The will be NO NOVICE RACE August 6th and Aug 13th.

Pacificsport National Sport Centre - Greater Victoria

Victoria PacificSport National Cycling Center is glad to present the new program for year 2001-2002 for all categories.

2001-2002 Athletes Developmental Program

Who We Are?

Canadian high performance athletes and coaches, including Sport Canada carded athletes, national team members, national developmental team, junior national team and provincial team athletes; committed professionals, coaches and sport science & medicine practitioners, along with volunteers, working in partnership with National Sport Organizations (NSOs), Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs) and Regional / Local Sport Organizations.

Headquartered at Saanich Commonwealth Place, with training and competition satellites situated at Centennial Stadium at the University of Victoria, Juan de Fuca Velodrome, CFB Esquimalt Work Point and other community-based fields and gymnasia throughout Greater Victoria. The Aquatics Group is based at Saanich Commonwealth Place, A legacy of the Commonwealth Games and considered by many to be Canada's top aquatics facility.

One of the seven centres in the National Sport Centre network in Canada, the PacificSport National Sport Centre - Greater Victoria is a multi-sport athlete training centre spanning national, provincial and community programs for athletes and coaches. It has the special distinction of having been created out of the legacy of the XV Commonwealth Games held in Victoria in 1994. The endowment fund was established under the leadership of Sport Canada, the Sport & Community Development Branch of the Government of British Columbia and the Victoria Commonwealth Games Society.

To create a dynamic environment for sport excellence performance at all levels by providing world-class athlete services, quality coaching and long-term sport development programs

Launched in the fall of 1996, the PacificSport National Sport Centre - Greater Victoria offers sport services year-round. It joined the National Sport Centre - Greater Vancouver and Regional Sport Centres in Nanaimo (Vancouver Island), Abbotsford (Fraser Valley), Kamloops (Interior BC) and Prince George (Northern BC) in launching the

July 12, 2001

Bronze Training Group

The new expanded training group will allow more junior and developmental athletes to access annual coaching programs and athlete services at the PacificSport National Cycling Centre. Applications to the program from top cycling prospects from across Canada in Track, Road, XC and Cyclo-Crosse are encouraged.

Top young cycling prospects from across Canada will be eligible for a new developmental program to be offered this fall (October 01, 2001) at the PacificSport National Cycling Centre in Victoria. Applications will be accepted immediately for a limited number of openings in the PacificSport National Cycling Centre BRONZE TRAINING GROUP.

We are committed to providing world-class athlete services, quality coaching and long-term sport development programs as part of PacifcSport. This new offering allows us to expand our reach and help identify and develop future national team talent for Canada.

This program will allow us to increase the level of support for qualified athletes. We believe there are great benefits from frequent contacts between promising riders and high level coaches, and we want to open the door each year to more motivated athletes. Yury Kashirin, head coach and director of the center will supervise the program, with fully certified level 4 NCCP National Coach, Houshang Amiri as the lead coach.

The 1999-2000 Bronze Training Group has enjoyed great success this year. Bronze Group Athletes have excelled in World Championship, World Cup, and National level competitions. In 2000-2001 we produced more National level athletes, increased support for domestic and international projects for our athletes ˆ for first time PacificSport's National Cycling Centre will be sending athletes to Japan, more sponsors such as SAUNDERS SUBARU Canada, TIME Shoe & Pedals, POWER CRANK and POWER LUNG, providing equipment to our athletes at no cost. We will continue to strive to make a greater commitment to new and developmental athletes.

Deadline to sign up: August 31/01. Please forward your resume (complete with phone, address and e-mail) to Houshang Amri at Pacificsport National Sport Centre:

100-4636 Elk Lake Drive,
Victoria B.C.
V8Z 5M1

Tel. 250-479-3594
Fax 250-744-3582


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