Canadian Cyclist


August 11/01 8:26 am - Preliminary Canada Cup Final Results

Posted by Editor on 08/11/01

Canada Cup Final - Sun Peaks, BC

Unofficial results

1. Geoff Kabush
2. Andreas Hestler
3. Peter Wedge
4. Ricky Federau
5. Osmond Bakker
6. Neil Grover
7. Michael Pruner
8. Greg Reain
9. Roddi Lega
10. Ruedi Schnyder

1. Kiara Bisaro
2. Trish Sinclair
3. Claire Townsend
4. Eron Chorney
5. Ann Yew
6. Linda Robichaud
7. Sandra Walter
8. Leslie Greene
9. Tanya Hawthorne-Allen
10. Heather King

Junior Expert Men
1. Frederic Bussieres
2. Andrew Watson
3. Jeremy Trudel
4. Julien Fillion
5. Stefan Widmer


The following are our quick calculations on the final standings for the Canada Cup series. The best 3 of 5 format has led to an upset in the women's standings.

- Mat Toulouse, Eric Tourville and Chad Miles were all DNF's in the men's race, but still retain their overall series rankings (in the above order). Hestler's second place moves him into fourth in the overall standings and Julian Hine jumps into 5th.

- Kiara Bisaro takes the women's overall title after Marie-Helene Premont was a DNF (Premont drops to third). Trish Sinclair stays in second.

- Frederic Bussieres wins the Junior Expert men's title.

- the Dual was been rescheduled for this evening, after more riders signed up, but was eventually cancelled again, for good.


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