Canadian Cyclist


August 17/01 12:00 pm - National DH Coach Position for Vail, Mount Snow Update

Posted by Editor on 08/17/01

Downhill Coach Position Open for the World Championships
Courtesy Fiona Morrow - CCA

The Canadian Cycling Association is accepting applications for the position of a Downhill coach to work with the National Team staff in Vail, Colorado.

The duration of the project is from September 9 to September 16. Accommodation and meals will be taken care of by the CCA. Travel costs to Vail will be the responsibility of the candidate.

Candidates should send their resume by August 24 to be considered.

Applications must include a photocopy of their CCA license.

Fax applications to: (613) 248-9311

Email to:

Entraîneur Descente Recherché pour les Championnats du Monde de Vélo de Montagne
Courtesy Fiona Morrow - CCA

L'Association cycliste canadienne est à la recherche d'un(e) candidat(e) pour occuper le poste d'entraîneur de descente au sein du personnel d'encadrement de l'équipe nationale aux championnats du monde à Vail, Colorado.

Le/la candidat(e) doit se rendre sur place par ses propres moyens. L'ACC s'occupera de l'hébergement et des repas pour la semaine du 9 au 16 septembre.

Les candidats doivent envoyer les CV avant le 24 août ainsi qu'une photocopie de leur license ACC.

par fax: (613) 248-9311

par courriel:

Mount Snow Norba National Final - Vermont

The women's cross-country is underway, with a full complement of Canadians taking part. Chrissy Redden and Alison Sydor are both attending. We have been in touch with the organizers and they promise to supply results ASAP. The men will be racing this afternoon, and we shall see if Roland Green hangs on and wins the overall title. We have been informed that conditions are pretty much perfect, with a little bit of rain in the early morning to hold down the dust.


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