Canadian Cyclist


August 30/01 9:16 am - Shep Report, BC Memorial Race

Posted by Editor on 08/30/01

Shep Report

Mt Saint Anne and Vermont were the final two stops on both the world cup and NORBA National Series. Flew to Montreal proceeded to drive at mock twelve 'quebec-style' listening to the newest french death metal on the radio. Vermont came up quick as did the race.

NORBA finals are always sweet in Vermont due to the enthusiastic people and the usual implosion of everyone's favorite rider: Steve Larson. Didn't get the opportunity as he's racing tri's. Cross coutry started off hot and humid while getting quite unpleasant for a desert rat like myself. Rolland established a group that contained Kashi, shamoe, ryder and pavel. As the laps wore on Pavel came off the group while the other four remained tight. I floated in the chase which contained 7th to 11th but wound off with a buntch to go. Good legs but I cracked in the heat. Shamoe countered round this time (about the 4th) and chased Kashi like a mad man. Ryder in pace mode slowly started his rise from 6th past tinker, and came within 10 sec of kashi. Shamoe squashed K on the final climb and hung on for his best result in a NORBA cross country. I lost a top ten over the last two laps and rounded out in 12th.

Short track course was very evil . . . little climb and no rest brought the Vermont maple syrup with sausage out of me by about minute four. The wind was not a factor this weekend just nerves as the top five wern't completely sealed in the overall race. After eight minutes of Rolland and Ryder swapping spots I gave it my all for a break of freedom. Felt that my only chance on this day was a surprise break and hopefully a lack of chase from the others'. Was half-ass right as rolland didn't counter . . . but cadel and Ryder did. Stayed off for eight minutes being powered by the crowd . . . thousands lined the course and for a couple laps I actually thought that their howls would get me there - not to be. Gap came down and I sat up to hide in the pack and try to salvage podium glory. Rolland accelerated with two to go and group split with me dangling at the back . . . made a few passes but the single line was set. Shamoe sat in the draft and countered cadel in the final corner thus completing the double pode while green took it, ryder in second and rowney in third. I managed to stay in the money and finished 9th not for a lack of trying!

Two nights of big dinners, stoli gins and a little dancing put me in the right frame of mind for enduring yet another year of watching french TV up at Sainte Anne. Hopped into the Malibuick rental car and crossed my fingers for the finest in hair band radio play. Hit Quebec and managed to log some training hours with chicken and a least 20 hours playing PS2. No poutine was eaten. Last round of the world cup brought forth Euros and the best of the north americans. Course was unbelievable this year with short climbs and a mix of fast and technical single track.

Starts in the W cups are fricking nuts and sure do make the NORBA's look slow. Managed to skirt around major carnage in the first two corners . . . almost went down on Saucer when he pretty much just fell off his bike at about 35 km/hr . . . that had to have removed skin. ha ha. Paced myself well and didn't get too horny during the first few laps. Could see the madness up front as the world cup front runner's attacked each other off and on. Chicken managed to get a gap with Ryder joining him on the single track. Chain suck would make him falter and lose contact at varying times throughout the race but no one could stop Rolland as he whittled the pack down to a handful of canucks! Meanwhile back in the trenches I was moving up at the rate of three per lap much to the cheers of the demons in my brain and the people on the fast descent . . . would chase up to frischknecht on the last lap but crashed hard as the rain made things a little slick. Couldn't brdge while I managed to hold off a swiss dude who did battle with me all day. Two laps to go saw Ryder splinter the chase group and establish a gap of 10-20 secs? ? Hochstrasser, Shamoe, Chicken, Hermida could not go but remained together during the final lap. Hochstasser tried again taking third while Hermida held off the white rasta.... errr ....white power and chicken in sixth. Shamoe's best world cup, Ryder's best world cup, I finished 14th for my best world cup in the past couple year's. Chrissy won the women's so a big wwwwwwiiiiiiiicccccckkkkkkkeeeeeeedddddd for the lot. Rollie won the overall world cup as well even though he missed the last two races in Europe.This weekend saw Haro fire on all cylinders with Voreis taking 8th in the DH (top yank), King 2nd in the dual, Shamoe 5th, chicken 6th and me in 14th.

Rolland - Roland Green
shamoe - Seamus McGrath
ryder - Ryder Hesjedal
chicken - Michael Rasmussen
cadel - Cadel Evans
saucer - Christoph Sauser
rowney - Paul Rowney
Kashi - Kashi Leuchs
pavel - Pavel Cherkasov

Fallen Riders Memorial Race
Courtesy Cycling BC

September 16/2001

In recent years here in BC we have had the misfortune to lose several much loved and respected members of our cycling community. In an effort to keep their memories alive Cycling BC, in partnership with the Gericks Cycle women's ride and the Central Okanagan bike Riders Association, (C.O.B.R.A.), have joined together to present a fun charitable event in their honour.

All net proceeds from the entry fees will be given out in the form of bursaries for Cycling BC members attending post secondary education. There will be an essay contest judged by a "blind panel" to determine the recipients and a complete accounting of the race costs will be made available after the event to interested parties.

These races are recreational events and will not have upgrade points or cash prizes. (Remember the object here is to raise money for the bursaries)

The event will consist of two separate races, one road and one off-road. These races are suitable for riders of any ability.

Mountain bike:
The off road portion will take you back to a racing format not seen in BC in recent years. Riders will compete in an uphill time trial followed shortly thereafter by a downhill time trial. Results will be combined in a points format with the winner being the person with the highest combined points total. Racers must race the same bike for both legs of the race but don't be afraid to bring out the big rig, there will be a prize for the heaviest bike pushed, pulled or dragged up the uphill.

Road: The road event will consist of an uphill time trial up the paved access road to Crystal MTN.

When: September 16/2001

Where: Crystal Mountain Ski hill, Westbank. (Just West of Kelowna)

Cost: $15

Registration: MTN bike - At the ski hill, there will be no pre reg and hence no late fees.

Road ˆ will be at the start of the road event at the cattle guard at the bottom of the Crystal access road. Registration will be quick and easy. Non-licensed members will need to purchase a one event license for $7


MTN bike - 10-16, 17-30 and 31+ in both Mens and Womens.

Road ˆ the will be junior, senior and masters categories in men and an open women's category. (Why not regular categories? Again, costs. We want to give as much money back as we possibly can as we think that would be the best way to honour the memories of our friends who can no longer ride with us.)

Start times

MTN bike - Registration starts at 8:30 AM with racing starting at 9:30. Riders will leave at timed intervals in no particular order (Just present yourself at the start line when you're ready) with the last start happening at noon. There will be plenty of room for passing slower riders.

Road ˆ Registration for the road event will start at 9:00AM with racing starting at 10:00. As in the MTN bike event, riders will leave in no particular order and will start when they present themselves. Last start will be at noon.

Food :There will be barbeque available at reasonable prices at the ski hill.

Prizes: There will be trophies and draw prizes.

This race will hopefully become an annual event and will travel around the province with different clubs hosting it and adding their own personal twist to it every year. Clubs interested in next years race can contact me at


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