Canadian Cyclist


September 7/01 12:54 pm - Ontario MTB Provincials, Cycling Bursary

Posted by Editor on 09/7/01

Ontario MTB Championships Update

We have had a number of calls and e-mails from people worried about the weather this weekend. Please keep in mind that it is not Toronto weather. It is much higher and much closer to Georgian Bay so the weather can be considerably different from Toronto to Mansfield. If you would like to check the forecast go to and you will get a much better idea. Alliston is a short way from Mansfield. The forecast calls for cloudy with sunny breaks with 40 percent chance of showers which is better than the southern regions of Ontario will get. More of a factor will be the heat, with a predicted high of 29. Regardless, we hope to see you there.

Besides the great prizes from Skiis & Biikes, we have two great draw prizes that racers and spectators can win. On Saturday and again on Sunday we will be drawing for a Devinci aluminum MTB frame (disc ready, way cool). Fill out a ballot at the Skiis & Biikes booth. One rule - you have to be there for the draw. Leave early or get distracted and you miss out. The Devinci frame draws will happen during the awards ceremony in the afternoon. For more info visit W.O.W. at

National Capital Region - Espoir Cycling Bursary
Courtesy Ross D. Knight

What is the Espoir Cycling Bursary?

The bursary consists of 2 cash awards. The first is for $1000.00 and the second for $200.00 (we are hoping to make it $500.00).

Who is eligible for the Espoir Cycling Bursary?

The Espoir Cycling Bursary is open to all CCA licenced athletes from the National Capital Region. We will accept resumes from athletes that will be in the espoir category during the 2002 competitive season. Your resume should include the following information:

1) Name, Address, Phone, Date of Birth, Club, Coach.
2) An outline of your goals for 2002 including major events you hope to attend.
3) Previous and current results listed by year and separated by discipline if you participate in road, mountain, track and cyclo-cross.

Why an Espoir Cycling Bursary?

The international cycling community's implementation of the espoir competitive category several years ago made it imperative for 19 -23 year old athletes to compete in National and International cycling events. To succeed in the sport of cycling today espoir riders need to attend larger events (often at a distance from their home) to gain the necessary experience/exposure that will adequately prepare them for the international cycling scene. Since the majority of espoir athletes do not enjoy the financial benefits of sponsorship their progress is often compromised early on due to a lack of adequate funding that would otherwise enable them to attend even a few such large events.

History of the Bursary:

During the 1999 Bikers Bash held at Camp Fortune an espoir athlete organized a 50/50 draw to help support his own efforts to race in Europe in order to gain much needed international cycling experience. During that winter Seenite Sports became committed to the idea of a creating a bursary to assist the top-ranked espoir athlete from the National Capital Region. We decided to support the bursary with $300.00 from the Tuesday night criterium series. To our surprise and many thanks our $300.00 was matched by Full Cycle on St Laurent Bld., bringing the 2000 Espoir Cycling Bursary to a total of $600.00. The recipient of the first bursary ($600.00) was Marc Andre Salois (98-01 National Team project member).

During the fall of 2000 we approached the Ottawa Bicycle Club in regards to contributing to the Bursary. The board of directors approved the idea and agreed to fund $400.00 bringing the amount of the 2001 bursary to $1000.00. The recipient of the second bursary ($1000.00) was Colin Burn (currently training in Europe).

The concept of an independent espoir cycling bursary is slowly working its way into our local cycling community. The result being that George Toffold, a participant of the Tuesday night citerium series, decided to contributed $200.00 for the 2002 bursary. We encourage other individuals, organizations and/or businesses to continue to demonstrate such support for the development of our local athletic talent.

How do I apply for the Espoir Cycling Bursary?

Your resume can be delivered to Ross/Charlotte Knight at the Seenite Sports Tuesday night criterium (until end of September) or mailed to our home address:

Ross & Charlotte Knight
259 Atlantis Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario
K2A 1X7

For more information or if you wish to make a contribution to the Espoir Cycling Bursary please contact Ross/Charlotte Knight at 722-1472, or by e-mail at,

Previous Bursary Recipients:

2000 - Marc Andre Salois ($600.00)
2001 - Colin Burn ($1000.00)
2002 - Race smart, get results, and see your name here


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