Canadian Cyclist


September 9/01 8:27 am - Quebec Track, BMC San Rafael, Poland, Birthday

Posted by Editor on 09/9/01

Pascal Choquette et Alexandre Cloutier s'illustrent aux Championnats québécois de cyclisme sur piste

St-Augustin de Desmaures, Québec - 8 septembre 2001. Les cyclistes de la formation Volkswagen - Les Ailes se sont imposés samedi, lors de la présentation des Championnats québécois de cyclisme sur piste, présentés à St-Augustin de Desmaures, dans la région de Québec.

À la course aux points, une fine stratégie a permis Pascal Choquette de remporter l'épreuve avec un tour d'avance de l'épreuve qui en comptait soixante. " J'ai attaqué dès le troisième tour pour ensuite demeurer seul en tête durant 20 tours, a-t-il mentionné. Au 40e tour, j'ai rattrapé le peloton et continué de me porter en avant pour être bien certain que personne ne s'échappe. "

Grâce à cette tactique, le cycliste de St-Hyacinthe a pu remporter un maximum de points lors des sprints intermédiaires. Le coéquipier de Choquette, Alexandre Cloutier, a terminé au deuxième rang de l'épreuve, tandis que Cédric Gréaux a mérité la troisième place.

À l'épreuve de la poursuite, Choquette n'a pas été en mesure de remporter une seconde médaille d'or. N'empêche, l'athlète de 22 ans est tout de même monté sur la troisième marche, étant devancé par Alexandre Cloutier (premier) et Cédric Gréaux (deuxième).

" Je suis parti trop vite et les derniers tours étaient pénibles. J'ai mal dosé mon effort, a avoué le médaillé de bronze. La piste ne fait que 200 mètres et les virages sont beaucoup plus serré que celle de Bromont, là où je m'entraîne. "

Choquette et Cloutier profiteront de quelques journées de repos avant de reprendre l'entraînement en vue du Tour des Bermudes, qui sera présenté du 20 au 23 septembre prochain.

Teutenberg Takes San Rafael and BMC Women's Title

SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA (September 8th, 2001)- In the sort of performance that only Saturn has been capable of pulling off this season, German ace Ina-Yoko Teutenberg won the BMC Software San Rafael Women's Challenge- and, in doing so, took the BMC Software Series overall title.

Held in scenic downtown San Rafael, just twenty miles north of San Francisco, the BMC Software San Rafael Women's Challenge featured a tricky, technical one-kilometer circuit that was virtually all uphill or downhill. It was a difficult race, and a fitting finale to one of America's great racing series. The action kicked off early in the one-hour timed event, as Dede Demet-Barry (Gatorade/Olbas) ignited the race with an attack that drew out eight other riders from the 60-strong field. Among those who joined Demet-Barry were two riders (Pam Schuster and Julie Young), Kori Kelly (Procter & Gamble), Laura Van Gilder (VeriZon Wireless) . . . and the Saturn duo of Clara Hughes and Ina-Yoko Teutenberg. With all the top teams represented, the break looked like a winner from the start, and, with Demet-Barry and Hughes- former teammates on Saturn- doing the lion's share of the early work, the nine riders quickly built a lead of 30-plus seconds. And then Teutenberg attacked.

With Hughes dutifully covering the front, the German dynamo gained a few seconds each lap on both the rest of the break and the field. Finally, about midway through the race, Demet-Barry, Schuster, and Van Gilder dropped the rest of the breakaway group and set off in pursuit. But, while they more or less held their own, Teutenberg was closing fast on the rear of the field; when she made contact with twenty minutes of racing remaining, her Saturn teammates went to the front and set a blistering pace, making it all but impossible for the other three to finish lapping the field.

But that wasn't enough for Teutenberg. In a bravura performance, she attacked AGAIN, eventually catching the five dropped riders from the break, towing them up to the the trio that had been chasing her, and bringing everything all back together with just three laps remaining. And that's when things got REALLY interesting. That Teutenberg would win was beyond doubt, but second and third were up for grabs among eight riders, all of whom were mixed in with the rest of the pack. The smart money was on former National Criterium Champion Van Gilder, but Procter & Gamble turned in a fine team effort of its own, keeping the pace so fast that Van Gilder's greatest weapon- her quick acceleration- was nullified. As a result, self-confessed non-sprinter Kori Kelly (Procter & Gamble) took second, with Van Gilder still managing a strong third. Clara Hughes took fourth.

Besides taking the victory today, Teutenberg also amassed enough points to overtake teammate Anna Millward in the BMC Software Series standings. Afterwards, Teutenberg credited her victory to a fallen teammate: „I wanted to make pretty sure to win the series, because I wanted to win it for Nicole Reinhart, who wasn't able to finish the series last year.‰ Reinhart was killed in a crash just a quarter-mile from the finish of the 2000 BMC Software Series finale in Arlington, MA.

Tour of Poland

Stage 6 - Piechowice to Karpacz 128 km

1 Jens Voigt (Ger) Credit Agricole 3:31:48
2 Ondrej Sosenka (Cze)epublic, CCC Mat at 0:04
3 Piotr Przydzial (Pol) CCC Mat 0:19
4 Romans Vainsteins (Lat) Domo-Farm Frites 1:42
5 Kim Kirchen (Lux) Fassa Bortolo 3:15
6 Sylwester Szmyd (Pol) Tacconi Sport 3:32
7 Zbigniew Piatek (Pol) Mroz-Supradyn Witaminy 4:58
8 Thierry Loder (Fra) Ag2r-Prevoyance 5:01
9 Vladimir Karpec (Rus) Itera 5:08
10 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Alessio 6:57

31 Dominique Perras (Can) Servisco 15:34


1 Jens Voigt (Ger) Credit Aricole 27:40:17
2 Ondrej Sosenka (Cze) CCC-Mat at 0:18
3 Piotr Przydzial (Pol) CCC-Mat 0:36
4 Romans Vainsteins (Lat) Domo-Farm Frites 2:05
5 Kim Kirchen (Luk) Fassa Bortolo 3:38
6 Sylwester Szmyd (Pol) Tacconi Sport 3:55
7 Zbigniew Piatek (Pol) Mroz Supradyn Witaminy 5:21
8 Wladimir Karpiec (Rus) Itera 5:31
9 Rodolfo Massi (Ita) Mobilvetta 7:20
10 Serge Baguet (Bel) Lotto-Adecco 7:30

27 Dominique Perras (Can) Servisco 16:26

Happy Birthday To...

Alison Sydor, today.


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