Canadian Cyclist


September 21/01 12:59 pm - Bermuda GP Stage 1 Results

Posted by Editor on 09/21/01

Bermuda GP
Courtesy the organizer

Results of the Stage 1 10 km ITT

             Elite Women          1   Mel Claude              Team Telebermuda                  15:13.9          2   Tina Skelley            Butterfield Direct                15:25.1          3   Catherine Powers        Team Telebermuda                  15:25.8          4   Julia Hawley            Team Telebermuda                  15:34.2          5   Kelly Yoder             Butterfield Direct                16:05.7          6   Genevieve LeBlanc       Cellular One Canadian Nat'l Jr.   16:13.4          7   Suzanne Sonye           Butterfield Direct                16:22.5          8   Sophie St Jacques       Team Telebermuda                  16:25.5          9   Magalle Boulay          Cellular One Canadian Nat'l Jr.   16:51.4         10   Laura Yoisten           Cellular One Canadian Nat'l Jr.   16:53.3         11   Lynn Wolfson            Cellular One Canadian Nat'l Jr.   17:32.6               Elite Men          1   Erik Wohlberg           Butterfield Direct Saturn         12:32.7          2   Matt DeCanio            Butterfield Direct Saturn         12:53.3          3   Tyler Hamilton          US Postal                         13:16.6          4   Jon Wirsing             Butterfield&Vallis Snow Valley    13:18.6          5   Dylan Casey             US Postal                         13:19.0          6   Steve Higgins           Team Telebermuda                  13:34.4          7   Dominic Sweeney         Winners Edge                      13:36.2          8   Alexandre Cloutier      HWP VW                            13:36.4          9   Jeff Hansen             Bacardi Ital Pasta                13:37.8         10   Kris Hedges             Butterfield&Vallis Snow Valley    13:38.0          11   Skip Menard             Butterfield&Vallis Snow Valley    13:44.2         12   Andrew Pinfold          Bacardi Ital Pasta                13:51.5         13   Soren Petersen          Butterfield Direct Saturn         13:52.3         14   Dean Downing            Park International                13:58.2         15   George Hincapie         US Postal                         14:01.2         16   Martin Nuckle           HWP VW                            14:05.0         17   Dominique Rollin        Pantene Sympatico                 14:05.9         18   Andy Roche              Team Telebermuda                  14:08.2         19   Brand LeMatre           Cellular One Jamba Juice          14:13.3         20   Chris Spence            Team Telebermuda                  14:14.5         21   Glen Rendall            Butterfield&Vallis Snow Valley    14:17.3         22   Bill Nickson            Park International                14:21.0         23   Wayne Scott             Winners Edge                      14:21.3         24   Damien Mathews          Briko                             14:21.5         25   Pascal Choquette        HWP VW                            14:21.5         26   Josh Hall               Pantene Sympatico                 14:23.1         27   Martin Ford             Team Telebermuda                  14:26.2         28   Harm Jansen             Butterfield Direct Saturn         14:27.9         29   Buck Millar             Briko                             14:28.3         30   Brian Chimoleski        Cellular One Jamba Juice          14:28.5         31   Andy Clark              Cellular One Jamba Juice          14:30.4         32   Wilson Vasquez          Wheels 7UP                        14:33.4         33   Joby Siciliano          Cellular One Jamba Juice          14:34.1         34   George Neuman           Briko                             14:34.6         35   Doug Ziewacz            Wheels 7UP                        14:35.1         36   Paul Rego               Bacardi Ital Pasta                14:37.2         37   Martin St Laurent       HWP VW                            14:40.4        38   Patrick Shea            Bacardi Ital Pasta                14:43.5         39   Ray Sanchez             Butterfield&Vallis Snow Valley    14:49.1         40   Lloyd Kellet            Park International                14:53.5         41   Steve Millington        Winners Edge                      14:57.7         42   Chad Grochowina         Pantene Sympatico                 15:04.1         43   Tim Lefebvre            Briko                             15:04.8         44   Ryan Guay               Wheels 7UP                        15:05.7         45   Tom Barrass             Park International                15:14.5         46   Andrew Randell          Pantene Sympatico                 15:42.0         47   Allen Woozbyt           Briko                             17:32.7


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