Canadian Cyclist


March 15/98 9:09 am - Green Wins in Hawaii Again!

Posted by Editor on 03/15/98

Hawaii Tour

Roland Green won his second stage of the Hawaiian Tour yesterday by taking the mens Dirt Criterium. Our correspondent Chris Redden of Team Schwinn Canada says that Roland led a charge of 12 riders from the gun of the 1 hour timed event, and gradually whittled the group down to 8, then 6, then 4, and then,in a last lap surge dropped everyone to take a the victory (Thomas Frischknecht finished second, some 100 metres back). His victory moved Green into second place on GC, behind GT‚s Jerome Chiotti, who has led from stage 1.

In the women‚s 45 minute race, Chrissy Redden and the majority of the field were caught behind a crash early on, giving early breakaways Caroline Alexander and Alison Dunlap the opportunity to open a significant gap that was impossible to close. Chrissy did manage to chase back to within 25 seconds by the finish line, taking third place for the stage. Overall, there was no change in the women‚s standings, with Tammy Jacques still leading over Dunlap and Redden.

Chris also provided us with some results from the downhillers stage race (isn‚t that an oxymoron?). Canada‚s Andrew Shandro (K2) took the men‚s crit, while Brigitta Casper (Volvo-Cannondale) won the women‚s event. Missy Giove leads the women‚s GC, and Jurgen Beneke the men‚s. Today is the final, cross-country, stage of the race - 1.5 hours for women, 2 hours for men. Chris says that, as has been the case all week, heat will probably play a major role. He describes conditions as „hot, humid and very still air, with only the occasional breeze passing over the course‰.


1. Roland Green CAN Kona
2. Thomas Frischknecht SUI Ritchey
3. Jerome Chiotti FRA GT

10. Seamus McGrath CAN
13. Geoff Kabush CAN
14. Peter Wedge CAN Kona


1. Chiotti
2. Green
3. Andreas Brenes CRC Ritchey


1. Caroline Alexander GBR Ritchey
2. Alison Dunlap USA GT
3. Chrissy Redden CAN Ritchey
4. Tammy Jacques USA Schwinn


1. Jacques
2. Dunlap
3. Redden at 2:07

Peters, Holjer Win Rocky Hill to Open Sequoia
(courtesy US Cycling)

The nation‚s best cyclists competed Saturday, March 14 at the Rocky Hill Road Race on the second stop of the national calendar and the third event on the California Spring Series. Mercury‚s winning ways continued with John Peters, Santa Rosa, Calif.; Gord Fraser, Ottawa, Ont., Canada, and Julian Dean, Hamilton, New Zealand, taking first, second and fourth respectively. Swedish national team member Marie Holjer (Jane‚s Cosmetics) surprised the powerhouse Saturn and Saeco-Timex squads with a solo win in the women‚s event.

Despite small attacks throughout the race, an intact men‚s field seemed headed for a field sprint as they roared through the start-finish area with one lap to go. Kirk Willett (Mercury), Pullman, Wash., and Zach Conrad (Ikon-Lexus), Longmont, Colo., sent alarm through the peloton when they launched on the final climb. This forced the Navigators team to chase while the speedy Mercury sprinters sat in for a free ride.

With 1km to go, Willett and Conrad succumbed to the field. At this point the red and yellow jerseys of the Mercury boys swarmed the front, at first setting up Dean, but after a shuffling of the order, Peters led Fraser over the line with Shaklee‚s Derek Bouchard-Hall, Menlo Park, Calif., in third.

"At first we were setting up Julian Dean, but everybody flip-flopped and I ended up in front of Gord," Peters said after the race, and added laughing, "Gord told me to go, so I waited, then went."

The women also seemed destined for a bunch finish but Holjer set a leg-cracking pace on the final climb which only Saturn‚s Elizabeth Emery, New York, N.Y., and Saeco-Timex‚s Pam Schuster, Northridge, Calif., could follow.

"I didn‚t really attack," Holjer related, "I think they (Schuster and Emery) wanted to wait for their sprinters. I ended up alone, so I just went.".

Emery and Schuster couldn‚t keep tabs on Holjer, who soloed to the win, while Emery eventually outsprinted Schuster 20 seconds behind. Joan Wilson (AllStar/Ralph‚s/Klein), Palo Alto, Calif., finished in no-woman‚s land just ahead of the field. Shaklee‚s Nicole Freedman, Palo Alto, Calif., took the dash for fifth.

SEQUOIA CYCLING CLASSIC, March 14-15, Visalia, Calif.
Rocky Hill Road Race, March 14
Men, U.S. 1.5, 85 miles
1. John Peters (Mercury), Santa Rosa, Calif.; 2. Gord Fraser (Mercury), Ottawa, Ont., Canada; 3. Derek Bouchard-Hall (Shaklee), Menlo Park, Calif.; 4. Julian Dean (Mercury), Hamilton, New Zealand.

Women, U.S. 1.6, 48 miles
1. Marie Holjer (Jane‚s Cosmetics), Sweden; 2. Elizabeth Emery (Saturn), New York, N.Y.; 3. Pam Schuster (Saeco-Timex), Northridge, Calif.; 4. Joan Wilson (Ralph‚s-Klein), Palo Alto, Calif.

Burnaby Track League Wednesday Night Series
(courtesy Chester Lam)

March 11, 1998.

Group A

1. 30-lap scratch
1st - Murray Solem (8:15.31)
2nd - Paul Henderson
3rd - Tim Kilcullen

2. Devil
1st - Paul Henderson
2nd - Murray Solem
3rd - Tim Kilcullen

3. 40-lap points
1st - Paul Henderson 22 pts (11:35.31)
2nd - Tim Kilcullen 17 pts
3rd - Murray Solem 10 pts

4. 50-lap Madison
1st - Murray Solem / Tim Kilcullen (13:27.07)
2nd - Paul Henderson / John Warnock
3rd - Lido Crema / Randy Cunningham

Group B

1. 20 lap scratch
1st - David Fayram (6:42.41)
2nd - Jamie Davidson
3rd - Chris McKay

2. Devil
1st - Scott Meyer
2nd - David Fayram
3rd - Ken Meyer

Overal Standings:

Group A
1. Murray Solem 33 pts
2 Tim Kilcullen 21 pts
3. Chester Lam 12 pts
Paul Henderson 12 pts
5. Randy Cunningham 9 pts
Lido Crema 9 pts
7. Luis Bernhart 6 pts
John Warnock 6 pts
9. Keith Bruneau 4 pts
Scott Laliberte 4 pts
11.Mark Husken 3 pts
Jim Moore 3 pts
12.Alain Boucher 2 pts

Group B
1. David Fayram 28 pts
2. Chris McKay 12 pts
3. Paul Manson 11 pts
4. Craig Hanna 6 pts
5. Steve Fleckenstein 5 pts
Ken Cunningham 5 pts
7. Ian Manson 3 pts
Scott Meyer 3 pts
Jamie Davidson 3 pts
10.Andre Steinhaussen 2 pts
Ken Meyer 2 pt
12.Franco Crema 1 pt


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