Canadian Cyclist


November 20/01 1:04 am - New Brunswick and Nova Scotia News

Posted by Editoress on 11/20/01

Belanger Named Female Athlete of the Year
Courtesy Dave Macfarlane & Aaron Hershoff

Velo NB cyclist, Julie Belanger of Edmundston, has just been named New Brunswick's female athlete of the year at the 8th Annual Sport Forum & Compass Sports Awards held on Saturday, November 17th at Danny's Inn in Beresford, NB.

There was a strong field of succesful athletes from many sports in the running. We're all proud of Julie, who has had an outstanding year, featuring the Canada Games and Road Nationals.

This is the first time a cyclist has won this award.

Nova Scotia Cyclo-cross Kona Supercup Cyclocross Series Final
Courtesy Andrew Feenstra, Cyclesmith

The final race of the Kona Supercup Cyclocross Series was held on November 18, 2001 in Halifax, NS. After three races of warm and sunny weather we finally had "cross" weather, 2 degrees with a little rain and during the awards ceremony, hail. The local cross racers had a "ringer" at the start line: Peter Wedge. Peter held a cyclocross clinic before the race which was attended by approximately 30 people. After putting on a "show" for the spectators(winning the race) Peter drew and presented the draw prizes including the Grand Draw price of a 2001 Kona Major Jake Frameset.

Thank you to all the participants who attended the event, to all the volunteers, especially Paul and Carl. A big thanks to our sponsors Kona and Cyclesmith. Congratulations to all the winners, and participants. I hope everyone enjoyed the series and we look forward to next years series.

  Open Men
  Position              Name                   Time
     1                  Peter Wedge               0:53:02
     2                  Kevin Noiles              0:56:36
     3                  Ed Rushton                0:56:49
     4                  Mike Lawrence             0:57:52
     4                  Dustin MacBurnie          0:53:43
     4                  Tim Farmer                0:53:57
     4                  George Inglis             0:55:25
     4                  Bob Bustin                0:57:35
     9                  Mark Foster               0:57:53
     10                 Bruce Hickey              0:58:00
     11                 Mark Wood                 0:54:58
     12                 Bill Campbell             0:55:20
     13                 Steve Mitchell            0:57:22
     14                 Todd Nowack               0:58:09
     15                 Steve Gallant             0:58:46
     16                 Kevin MacCuish            0:59:07
     17                 Norman Lai                0:57:09
     18                 Tom Austin                1:00:00
     19                 Andy Edwards              1:01:54
     20                 Jim Trussler
     21                 Bruce Strumm
     22                 Craig De Gier
     23                 Jamie Lamb
  Position              Name                   Total
     1                  Anna Heally               0:54:45
     2                  Sherry Huybers            0:53:12
     3                  Dawn Jardine              0:56:37
     4                  Gillian Cicard            0:53:45
 Junior Men
  Position              Name                   Total
     1                  Kyle Swain                0:59:18
     2                  Martin Austin             0:54:47
     3                  Adam Purcell              0:56:22
     4                  Kyle Gallant              0:58:53
     5                  Mark Trussler             0:51:38
     6                  Gui Cicard                0:53:21
     7                  Dave Murphy               0:53:47
     8                  Ryan Currie               0:54:03
     9                  Max Schnutgen             0:54:35
     10                 Leigh Mitchell            0:57:46
     11                 Nick Strumm               0:59:55
     12                 Andreas Hart              1:01:49

Point Series- Kona SuperCup Cyclocross
Thanks to Series Sponsors - Kona and Cyclesmith
Senior Men
Name                      Race#1        Race#2        Race#3      Provincials    TotalPoints     Standing
Kevin Noiles                14            19            19            22             60             1
Ed Rushton                  13            18            20            21             59             2
Mike Lawrence               11            17            16            20             53             3
Dustin McBurnie             12            15            0             19             46             4
Bob Bustin                  0             11            11            16             38             5
Bruce Hickey                9             12            10            14             36             6
Jamie Lamb                  0             14            18            1              33             7
Tim Farmer                  0             0             14            18             32             8
George Inglis               1             0             12            17             30             9
Craig de Geir               10            16            3             2              29             10
Greg Kerr                   2             13            13            0              28             11
Steve Mitchell              7             8             8             11             27             12
Bill Campbell               0             5             9             12             26             13
Mark Wood                   5             4             7             13             25             14
Peter Wedge                 0             0             0             23             23             15
Steve Gallant               4             3             6             9              19             16
Mark Campbell               0             0             15            0              15             17
Noman Lai                   3             1             4             7              14             18
Leo Thornley                0             10            0             0              10             19
Todd Nowack                 0             0             0             10             10             20
Dave Reagan                 0             9             0             0              9              21
Clint Simmons               8             0             0             0              8              22
Kevin MacCuish              0             0             0             8              8              23
Steve Chung                 0             7             0             0              7              24
Steve Williams              0             6             0             0              6              25
Matt Murford                6             0             0             0              6              26
Tom Austin                  0             0             0             6              6              27
Jim Trussler                0             0             2             4              6              28
Andy Edwards                0             0             0             5              5              29
Trevor Morrisey             0             0             5             0              5              31
Bruce Strumm                0             0             0             3              3              32
Steve Parkinson             0             0             1             0              1              33
Junior Men
Name                      Race#1        Race#2        Race#3      Provincials    TotalPoints     Standing
Martin Austin               0             11            11            11             33             1
Kyle Swain                  4             10            10            12             32             2
Adam Purcell                0             8             9             10             27             3
Kyle Gallant                3             9             8             9              26             4
Mark Trussler               0             6             6             8              20             5
Max Schnutgen               0             5             7             4              16             6
David Murphy                2             4             5             6              15             7
Guy Sicard                  0             2             4             7              13             8
Leigh Mitchell              1             3             3             3              9              9
Paul Trussler               0             7             0             0              7              10
Ryan Currie                 0             0             0             5              5              11
David Wedlake               0             2             0             0              2              12
Nick Strumm                 0             0             0             2              2              13
Thomas Parkinson            0             0             2             0              2              14
Drew Voegeliv               0             1             0             0              1              15
Andreas Hart                0             0             0             1              1              16
Richard Parkinson           0             0             1             0              1              17
Open Women
Name                      Race#1        Race#2        Race#3      Provincials    TotalPoints     Standing
Dawn Jardine                3             2             0             2              7              1
Doreen Donaldson            4             0             0             0              4              2
Anna Heally                 0             0             0             4              4              3
Sherry Huybers              0             0             0             3              3              4
Melanie Jardine             2             0             0             0              2              5
Marie Abbott                1             1             0             0              2              6
Gillian Cicard              0             0             0             1              1              7


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