Canadian Cyclist


March 24/98 22:20 pm - West Coast News, Catalan Week

Posted by Editor on 03/24/98

Island Cup Series (courtesy Claire Bonin)

Goal: Assist with the development of young riders - Increase the participation in the sport (pee-wee to junior) and provide an opportunity to race on the Island (lower the travelling cost)

Categories: pee-wee, minime, cadet sport and expert and junior sport & expert men and women

Event: cross-country

The final standings will be calculated on 5 events out of 8. Trophies will be presented to the winners at Mt Washington BC Cup race.


Burnt Bridge April 11
Parksville May 9
Campbell River May 17-18
Victoria May 30-31
Comox June 14
Port Alberni June 28
Mt Washington July 4-5
Mt Washington July 18-19 Finals

The Ride To Nowhere
(check out Daily News March 13, 6:45 pm for the background info)

Here is a list of riders who have signed up for the RIDE TO NOWHERE on March 27th. If you'd like to sponsor any or all of these riders, please contact Ken Legge at (604) 434-4004

Doug Rush
Ron Joostema - former member of the Canadian Olympic team
Randy Cunningham
Paul Manson
Lido Crema
Chester Lam
Gino Crema
Murray Solem - current fall series (A group) leader
Paul Henderson - current Canadian pursuit champion
John Warnock
Norman Hill - ex British National professional
Jim Moore - ex British National professional
Lorne Atkinson - Olympic rider in 1948, 77 years of age!!
Richard Meehan - European professional
Tim Kilcullen - former Junior National pursuit champion
Scott Meyer
Rob Mulder
Ferdinand Juriga
Chris MacKay
Peter Schalle
David Fayram - current fall series (B group) leader
Tony Zarsadias
Tammy Mulder - the only woman riding in this event!
Ian Manson
Curt Haase - ex German professional

Visit the website for more info.

Catalan Week, Spain

Stage 2
1.Rolf Jaermann (Sui) Casino 5:01:26
2.Filippo Casagrande (Ita) Scrigno at 0:04
3.Paolo Betttini (Ita) Asics
4.Sergei Smetanine (Rus) Vitalicio
5.Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Mercatone all s.t.

Overall Standings

1.Jaermann 9:38:52
2.Casagrande at 0:04
4.Laurent Jalabert (Fra) ONCE
5.Manuel Fernandez (Esp) Banesto all s.t.

And Now For Something Completely Different (with apologies to Monty Python...)

This ad appeared in our local newspaper today, and we thought that it was tailor-made for the cycling crowd...

Hot Air ballon crewperson required. People skills a must. Job open to both genders. Part time to start. Reply with complete personal details to Skywalker Balloons, Box 26016, R.P.O. Terrace Hill, Brantford, Ontario, N3R 7X4

We figure that this would be the perfect job for any aspiring downhiller, so get your application in soon...


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