Canadian Cyclist


March 5/02 9:21 am - IMBA, Photo Page Update

Posted by Editor on 03/5/02

Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crews Back for an Expanded Sixth Year

For the last six years, the Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crews have traveled the world, sharing their trailbuilding expertise with thousands of volunteers, land managers and trail advocates. As a direct result, thousands of miles of appealing, environmentally sustainable trails have been built or revitalized. The crews have contributed to the trails community in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, and several European countries.

The Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crews are on the road again this year educating people about IMBA's sustainable trail construction techniques and helping bring together people who love the outdoors. IMBA has proven that well-designed and carefully constructed trails can be gentle on the land, inexpensive to maintain, and enjoyed by many different users.

Sponsored by Subaru of America and directed by the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA), the Trail Care Crews work with IMBA-affiliated mountain bike clubs, land managers, and other trail user groups to solve trail management challenges. The Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crews improve trail conditions and trail experiences for everyone.

Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew No.2: Lora Woolner and Mark Schmidt

The newest Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew hails from Ontario, Canada. Mark Schmidt and Lora Woolner will travel throughout the Western U.S. and parts of Canada. Both bring a strong background in trailbuilding, event coordination, and advocacy. They have worked as instructors for W.O.W. Ltd. and Hardwood Hills Cross Country Ski and Mountain Bike Centre, teaching everything from bike skills classes to mountain bike repair. For the past four years Lora has worked as the Mountain Bike Coordinator for Kelso Conservation Area. Mark is an industrial designer who is looking forward to applying his award-winning design skills to the trail.

Photo Page

Well, our attempt to provide a direct link to all the 2001 photos was an overwhelming success - for about half an hour before the database server crashed under the load of traffic... We are working on another solution and will have the photos page back up soon.


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