Canadian Cyclist


May 22/02 11:07 am - Hardwood Hills Canada Cup Update, Warkworth Challenge Update

Posted by Editoress on 05/22/02

Gears Racing Canada Cup at Hardwood Hills

After some constructive feedback from riders over the past two weeks, we have made some changes to the Canada Cup course. We apologize if this causes any confusion or problems for those that have already previewed the course, but the changes are for the better. To the delight of riders the race course even incorporates the infamous "Coffee Run". Course maps are posted in the Main Chalet and the course is fully marked. Hardwood Hills is open for pre-riding during regular hours of operation and regular trail fees apply until race packages are available on May 29.

A reminder that early registration closes on May 26th at 5:00 pm.

See for full information

See you at the races!
Glenn Meeuwisse

Warkworth Challenge May 26, 2002

Due to some unforeseen road work there will be 2.5km of hard packed gravel on the course of this Sunday's Warkworth Challenge. Please judge tire choices accordingly. For those of you who have done the course before, the finish will now be half way up Cemetery Hill instead of at the top where it usually is placed.

For more information on the event please call (905) 372-9502, email or visit


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