Canadian Cyclist


May 24/02 8:09 am - Weekly Series Results: Juan de Fuca Velodrome, Phoenix Velo

Posted by Editoress on 05/24/02

Juan de Fuca VelodromeVictoria, BC - Thursday, May 23
Courtesy Keith Bruneau

It was a beautiful sunny evening on the coast with very little wind, a perfect evening for a little bit of racing.

A Category 15 lap to 5 lap win and out
1. Sam Whittingham(Pvl/Forte)
2. Ryan Mcnamara (Pvl/Forte)
3. Chris Reid
4. Mark Butschler(Italian food imports/
5. Keith Bruneau (Pvl/Forte)

B Category 10 lap to 5 lap win and out
1. Wayne Walker(Dr. walker/performance)
2. Breanna Loster (Schwalbe/Straight Up Cycles)
3. Herb Stark Sr.
4. Herb Stark Jr.
5. Bart McCombe (Italian food imports/

A Category Chariot Race
1. Keith Bruneau (Pvl/Forte)
2. Sam Whittingham (Pvl/Forte)
3. Mark Butschler (Italian Food Imports/
4. Kim Webb (Pvl/Forte)

B Category Chariot Race
1. Simon Ciceri (Schwalbe/Straight Up Cycles)
2. Herb Stark Jr.
3. Breanna Loster (Schwalbe/Straight up Cycles)
4. Wayne Walker (Dr. Walker/Performance)

A Category Keirin
1. Keith Bruneau (Pvl.Forte)
2. Sam Whittingham (Pvl/Forte)
3. Mark Butschler (Italian food Imports/Cooleurostuff)
4. Kim Webb (Pvl/Forte)
5. Chris Reid

B Category Keirin
1. Wayne Walker (Dr.Walker/performance)
2. Herb Stark Jr.
3. Bart McCombe (Italian Food Imports/
4. Simon Ciceri (Schwalbe/Straight Up Cycles)

Phoenix Velo Weekly Series Mission, BC
Courtesy Peg Wenting

Here are the latest point scores from our Wed. night training races. We now have 54 members and many guests. We're averaging about 30 riders per week and have added a Hill Climb and 2 Time Trials to the season's events.

RANKRIDERPTS#1/A/10#2/A/17 #3 A/24#4 M/1#5 M/9#6 M/15#7 M/22
1Scott Laliberte104000033
2Dylan Sebel105000005
3Brian Moffatt100240040
4Rick Federau93005010
4Marsh Cooper92500002
5Blake Chersinoff81002500
5Eric Kameka60000024
5Jeremy Storie50000050
6David Goosen50050000
6Sandra Walter40004000
6Jeff Laughren40400000
7Gerald Sawatsky40000400
7Wayne Schaub30030000
7Geoff Bandura30003000
7Corey Adsit30300000
8Casey Bruinink30001101
8Bart Nakano30000300
8Mike Nicholls20000200
8David Haywood20020000
9Neil Truncik10100000


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