Canadian Cyclist


April 9/98 21:03 pm - Alison Sydor's Bike Stolen!!

Posted by Editor on 04/9/98

Alison Sydor‚s Bike Stolen!!

Alison Sydor just contacted us to let us know that her race bike has been stolen in Vancouver, B.C. a few hours ago. This is the bike that Alison won the World Cup on just two weeks ago, and it was taken just as she was getting ready to leave for the European round of World Cup races (she is leaving on Saturday). Although she does have a backup bike, this one is a one-of-a-kind machine, with prototype dual disc brakes, titanium spoked wheels, a custom front suspension Headshok fork and is painted in Cannondale Team blue, with ŒAlison Sydor‚ painted on the sides.

Alison is obviously very distressed at losing the bike that she is used to, and with which she has a winning record. The bike was stolen from the bike racks in front of Mountain Equipment Co-op, in broad daylight, by cutting the lock. Alison said: „I was in the store for less than 5 minutes! I knew what I wanted, I ran in, got it, ran out and the bike was gone!

Obviously the loss of my race bike is devastating, not just because I leave on Saturday, but also because it is a one of a kind custom bike that is simply irreplacable!

It is probably unrealistic to expect to ever see my bike again, but I do have some glimmer of hope that if the thief understands the magnitude of how important this bike was to my pursuit of my sport and livelihood, they might return it to me.‰

If you can help in any way, please contact either the Vancouver police at (604) 665-3321, or e-mail (I have agreed to act as a contact for Alison on the road).


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