Canadian Cyclist


June 12/02 12:21 pm - Round House Rumble: Story & Photos

Posted by Editoress on 06/12/02

Bremner Park, Toronto June 9th
story & photos by Chris Redden

Click Here for photos

The premise of the event was simple: lots of tricks and jumps going on by top stunt riders with bands playing continuously through the day.

The US pros who showed up included Sobe-Cannondale rider Eric Chase and Fox/Giant rider Jeff Lynosky. They made the drive up to Toronto from New Jersey to make the competition. It looked like Eric was the winner with Jeff second and Balfa rider Chris (last name?) third. The organizers were still adding up the scores trying to figure out who was the winner by the end of the day.

The US crew was given a good run by our Canadian guys, who provided good representation from across the country. Notably absent was any of the Rocky Mountain Fro riders, who would have excelled at this event.

The format was simple. Two riders at a time went out on the course and were judged on the stunts they performed over a 5 minute period. In the pro class there were 5 heats, which all proved to be unique in their own way. Due to the different riding styles of each rider the audience was treated to trials style riding, North Shore tricks and big air jumps. Points were scored on the difficulty of the trick and the actual completion of the stunt. A grand prize of $1000 was up for grabs with second place bringing home $500 and third $250.

The course had a variety of table jumps, ramps, freeride ladders, and street riding elements to it. There was even a van used as an obstacle. One of the most unique moves was exhibited by one of the free ride guys, who rode up the run out ramp on one of the freeride ladders and jumped up, landing on the 6" wide ladder platform which was 10" in the air.

According to one competitor "this has brought a new level of competition to Toronto." Be on the lookout for marauding freeriders terrorizing the streets of Toronto as they practice for next year.

Note: results are still unavailable at this time.


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