Canadian Cyclist


June 14/02 2:43 am - CCA Launches New Website, Photos from Hardwood Hills CC #1

Posted by Editoress on 06/14/02

CCA Launches New Website
Courtesy CCA

The CCA is pleased to announce the launch of our re-designed, re-vamped web site.
Easier layout, easier to navigate, Pico search engine.
Have a look, and let me know what you think!

L'ACC est heureux d'annoncer le lancement de notre site Web remodelé et amélioré.
Plus facile á diriger, Search Engine de Pico.
Allez voir, et faites-moi savoir ce que vous pensez !

Photos from Canada Cup #1
Courtesy Glenn Meeuwisse

To respond to the many requests, digital photos taken by Spectrum Imaging are now available on their website.
Please see:

Editoress Warning: This is a VERY heavy bandwidth site. Do not try to go here if you are NOT on highspeed.


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