Canadian Cyclist


June 19/02 12:58 pm - Geldsetzer Grand Prix Track Meet (AB), Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club Notice

Posted by Editoress on 06/19/02

Geldsetzer Grand Prix Track MeetCourtesy Sean Huggins-Chan, Race Organizer

On June 22 & 23 the Geldsetzer Grand Prix Track meet is being held at the Glenmore Velodrome in Calgary, AB.

Click Here for schedule, entry form, prize and event information

Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club Notice

For increased safety due to overwhelming popularity, the Club Ride meeting location is being moved permanently to the HyrdoOne driveway at the railroad tracks on Lower Base Line (Eglinton Ave.) just west of Ninth Line. Rides will still meet as usual at 9:00 am Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.

There is plenty of room for parked cars at this new location on the west side of the driveway. Please DO NOT BLOCK THE RAILROAD TRACKS as they can be used at anytime to deliver new transformers to the facility. A lane way for access to the facility must be maintained at all times for employees. Also, please be respectful of the nearby residents by insuring no garbage is left behind and noise levels are kept to a minimum.

Finally, additional care should be taken when heading out onto Lower Base Line at the start of the ride since it is somewhat hidden from traffic.

Hope to see you this weekend at the new meeting point.

Ben Ayson
Vice-President, MBRC


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