Canadian Cyclist


June 26/02 4:46 am - Test of Metal Trials: Report & Results (BC)

Posted by Editoress on 06/26/02

Test of Metal Trials
Courtesy Robin Coope

The Squamish Test of Metal Trials competition was held on Sunday June 23.Thanks to the fabulous support of volunteers and businesses in Squamish, this third round of the North American Trials Series was once again afantastic success. The competition was held at Dave McCrae's log sort facility this year, so we were able to take advantage of his rock piles,earth mounds and log placement equipment. The sections this year were therefore bigger, higher off the ground and scarier than ever before. Highlights included the world's first tidally dependent ocean section, and the log section, with a hundred and fifty feet of riding up in the air,culminating in a drop of the side of a logging truck. Once again we had a fresh water pond as well, but fortunately not many riders fell in!

Beginner and sport riders rode in the morning, with the former being dominated by youngsters. John Goodwin scored a notable third in beginner: he's only seven years old. Visiting Americans did well, with Zak Maeda winning both expert classes and Jeremy VanSchoohoven putting on a clinic in pro stock. Jeremy showed the importance of not making little mistakes on adry day, and ended up with only two points. Stevie Baia managed a third place in Expert mod, not bad for an eleven year old. Ryan Cecil wins thedistance award - he came from Ashville North Carolina to finish second inexpert mod.

Stock = 26" wheels, Modified = 20" wheels
Results: max = 60.

Pro Modified
1. Baia, Jason (Anmore, BC) 45
2. Johnson, Cory (Thunder Bay, ON) 57

Pro Stock
1. VanSchoonhoven, Jeremy (Williams, OR) 2
2. Bentham, Mike (Victoria, BC) 16
3. Korba, Dylan (Port Moody, BC) 22
4. Webster, John (Mill Bay, BC) 24
5. McLaughlin, Kevin (Port Coquitlam, BC) 47
6. Goj, Dennis (Coquitlam, BC) 57

Expert Modified
1. Maeda, Zak (Temple City, CA) 9
2. Cecil, Ryan (Asheville, NC) 20
3. Baia, Steve (Anmore, BC) 33
4. Hii, Chris (Richmond, BC) 38
5. Mielczarek, Kamil (Coppell, TX) 42

Expert Stock
1. Maeda, Zak (Temple City, CA) 7
2. Nathans, Matt (Vancouver, BC) 10
3. Adelman, Dave (Victoria, BC) 14
4. Dickin, Stephen (Coquitlam, BC) 18
5. Herr, Dave (Calgary, AB) 20
6. Lynne, Ryan (Port Moody, BC) 23
7. Hamilton, Lucas (Vancouver, BC) 24
8. Howitt, Keith (Coquitlam, BC) 25
9. Anderson, Jeff (Coquitlam, BC) 27
10. Ponzi, Dylan (Victoria, BC) 27
11. Topley, Craig (Red Deer, AB) 36
12. Smith, Dan (Port Moody, BC) 44
13. Hueber, Peter (Surrey, BC) 45
14. Hazlett, Alex (Belcarra, BC) 52
15. Gray, Shawn (Red Deer, AB) 55
DNF Ignatius, Alexander (Vancouver, BC) 60

Sport Modified
1. Fukano, Casey (Mercer Island, BC) 10
2. MacRae, Dylan (Coquitlam, BC) 48

Sport Stock
1. Scott, Matthew (Vancouver, BC) 17
2. Mcskimming, James (Whistler, BC) 22
3. Wessels, James (Victoria, BC) 22
4. Diederichs, Carl (Courtenay, BC) 25
5. Spann, Antony (Riverside, CA) 26
6. Gilbert, Joe (Victoria, BC) 26
7. Le, Alex (Coquitlam, BC) 27
8. Moult, Ian (Vancouver, BC) 27
9. Colquhoun, Ryan (Stratford, ON) 33
10. Copp, Tristan (Port Moody, BC) 33
11. McCullough, Brett (Victoria, BC) 36
12. Bryan, Scot (Creston, BC) 37
13. Cooper, Colin (Calgary, AB) 38
14. Yuen, Felix (Vancouver, BC) 42
15. Moreland, Joel (Seattle, WA) 43
16. Jenkins, Chris (Surrey, BC) 45
17. Lee, Justin (Coquitlam, BC) 45
18. Gara, Dallas (Calgary, AB) 46
19. Wiens, Trevor (Vancouver, BC) 46
20. Grimsmo, John (Lynden, WA) 55

Beginner Modified
1. Froese, Tyler (Coquitlam, BC) 30
2. Howitt, Dennis (Coquitlam, BC) 34
3. Goodwin, John (Anmore, BC) 39
4. Laurie, Kelly (Port Moody, BC) 40
5. Quesnel, Kyle (Squamish, BC) 46

Beginner Stock
1. Howard, Trevor (Abbotsford, BC) 18
2. Bozman, Chris (Courtenay, BC) 36
3. Prochazka, Alex (Whistler, BC) 39
4. Standing, Shane (Coquitlam, BC) 39

1. Holm, Kris (Vancouver, BC) 5

1. Tressel, Caryn (Port Moody, BC) 22
2. Cross, Suzanne (Vancouver, BC) 38

The Test of Metal continues to be the biggest trials competition in western North America, thanks to the commitment of the town of Squamish. Key volunteers are Dave Heywood, Paul Bryant and Mike Mohr. We once again thankCanadian Northern Shield Insurance, Mountain Building Centers, Dave McCrae,Norco and all the section and contributing sponsors:
Sea to Sky Ocean Sports
Squamish White Spot
Quiznos Classic Subs
Sunflower Bakery
Southwood Holdings
Garibaldi Veterinary Clinic
Tounge and Cheek Newsletter
Super 8 Motel
Paintball Games of Squamish
Garabaldi Excel Tire
Harold's Towing


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